UPDATE: Arizona Citizens Investigation Discovers Thousands of Phantom Voters in State – Up to 30% of Addresses in Investigation Were Fraudulent

Here is a final report on the press conference last night in Phoenix, Arizona by Citizens Investigation that uncovered thousands of illegal votes in the state.

Mathematician Bobby Piton supplied Liz Harris, the Director of Citizens Investigation, and We The People AZ Alliance, a random sample of 3,900 questionable AZ voter names to check for residency from the latest election in Arizona. This list represented all 5 categories of voters (Republican, Democrat, etc.).

Bobby Piton testified in the AZ State hearing in late November about ghost voters and other anomalies. He was banned by Twitter during his compelling testimony. He has spent over 400 hours researching abnormalities with voter names and registrations.

Liz Harris then rounded up several hundred patriot volunteers who knocked on these doors looking to find what Piton calls “phantom sleeper” and suspicious Undefined or “U” voters. They are not eligible to vote for a variety of reasons. He estimated there are 160,000 to 400,000 of these illegal voters in Arizona. The team were able to visit 1,000 of the addresses in person and were often harassed or threatened by the residents. They found 539 voters DID NOT LIVE at these addresses. Additional results are below.

** VOLUNTEER or HELP: To help in Arizona with voter integrity canvassing of addresses just text 480-313-3924. Training is held daily at 7AM, 11AM, and 7PM. To help fund Bobby Pitons research visit his GoFundMe page.

Investigation Finds Votes Cast by:

  • Voters that are dead, verified no longer at that address
  • Several with the actual name “Unknown Voter”
  • Registered at commercial addresses, especially Church’s Chicken
  • Non-U.S. Citizens who denied voting
  • Felons who stated they can’t vote, others in jail for years
  • Out of State residents who just don’t live in Arizona
  • Registered using Schools, car lots, and sports arena’s addresses
  • 65 using the AZ Tabulation Center & Recorders Office as their address
  • Vacant lots at elderly villages (55 & over) and undeveloped properties
  • Wilderness addresses on Bureau of Land Management & State Trust land
  • Abandoned homes completely unlivable or boarded up
  • Street names that just do not exist in any Arizona records

Citizens Investigation held a Live press conference on Dec. 30th at the AZ State Capitol to release some findings and solicit more help (To volunteer just text 480-313-3924).


They found most AZ residents are horrified that a stranger or strangers have registered to vote using their home address. Several homeowners received multiple ballots (3, 4, 5), with one who received 20 ballots at their home. One business address received 200 ballots and another AZ address is used by 2,012 people who registered to vote. Within the first few days the Citizens Investigation had a couple hundred affidavits that 2020 votes were not associated with their registered address. Among other things, Piton found one corner lot has 1,500 registered voters and the lot next to it has 1,000. It’s beyond suspicious that 2,500 voters are registered to such a small area of land.

TheDonald.win reported on the press conference results.

The AZ voter address verification project presented their findings last night. They worked in groups of two. Each pair that presented last night checked a list of between 100 and 200 names/addresses. Many addresses didn’t exist, were businesses, schools, or churches. Five college campuses were checked, 60% or more did not even attend the college listed as the address. Many voters that could not be verified were listed at the same address. This means the 30% is not even accurate. More than 30% of addresses that were boots-on-the-ground verified by sworn affidavit were fraudulent! This is one project in one state. All swing states need to be verified!


The door-knocking investigation confirms what Bobby Piton has claimed about names that have increased the voter rolls beyond the actual growth of Arizona’s new residents. They found people voting who are only registered with initials, like “D.E.” for a first and last name, or “J.B.B” that cast votes. They are seeing registrations that switch up the first and middle names, or use a combination of initials, first or middle names to produce multiple registrations. These are all the same person but use birth dates only a few months apart to avoid detection.

They’ve also found an unusual amount of voters tied to the same phone number. In one instance of a verified phantom voter, one cell phone number was registered to 19 registered voters, all with different addresses. They then picked one of those 19 voters and found that home phone is the same as 15 other registered voters, none living in the same home, all with different names. This spider web verifies a mess of fraudulent registrations and votes.


They looked at facilities in certain precincts that could not be visited before the election because of Covid restrictions. They looked at 110 voter profiles and a strange pattern emerged. Each person had more than one tag for “Already Voted”. They were all the same dates of Oct. 15th, 20th, and the 23rd. Records then show they requested a ballot on October 29th, after already voting several times. They were then tagged again as “Already Voted” on November 25th, twenty two days after the election. Nov. 25th is coincidentally the same day the 65 voters who registered using the Maricopa County Tabulation Center address and County Recorders address are documented as requesting ballots. This is the same time Maricopa county was dragging out the counting of votes.


A list of voter registration for 5 Arizona colleges that provide on campus student living were compiled. Each school happily complied with help in cleaning up these voter lists. Each college reviewed the lists and responded. It showed that 60% (or higher) of the registered voters were not residents of student housing, nor were they students of that school. This evidence has turned into a larger project that will encompass all of the AZ colleges and is ongoing.


Two female volunteers said:  “The two of us canvassed 119 addresses so far. We found 29 people who had moved. We were unable to locate a new address for them. Almost all of these voters were unknown to those living at the residence. We talked to one person who was not a U.S. citizen and said they didn’t vote, yet someone cast a ballot in their name and address. We had 3 people whose relatives voted for them and signed the voter form for them. We found 5 people who moved out of State who voted in AZ, or someone voted for them. 4 people stated they did not vote, one said she was in Covid isolation – yet votes were cast for these people. One we talked with decided to vote in person at the precinct. She was told she already voted and was offered a provisional ballot, which she completed. She has no idea which ballot was counted. To recap, there were 25 voters that we could not verify any information at all on these people, even after multiple attempts to find them. 48 locations had problems that we could verify, meaning almost half of the addresses had issues.”

Another canvasser said: “I visited 326 addresses. I spoke with an actual person at 195 locations and have written 60 affidavits with voter discrepancies. One Homeowner stated she received 4 ballots in her name for this last election. There were 4 addresses with deceased people, a daughter showed the canvasser her dead fathers ballot that came in the mail. Yet a vote was still cast in her dead Father’s name. 13 addresses were vacant lots or abandoned homes. At 27 addresses the current residents said: “I’ve never heard of that person”. There were 24 names associated with one address, which was an apartment complex, but no apartment number. The complex management said if USPS can’t determine the correct apartments mail slot, the mail is supposed to be returned to sender. 11 locations had voter names of “Unknown Voter”. ”

Two male canvassers said: “Over 5 days we visited 122 homes in the East valley. We completed 43 affidavits that represent 31 locations where no such person lived there.”


** VOLUNTEER or HELP: To help in Arizona with voter integrity canvassing of addresses just text 480-313-3924. Training is held daily at 7AM, 11AM, and 7PM. To help fund Bobby Pitons research visit his GoFundMe page.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.