Michigan AG Will No Longer Enforce Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Coronavirus Orders

Gretchen Whitmer

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) on Sunday announced she will no longer enforce Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s Covid restrictions.

The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday struck down Democrat Whitmer’s Covid orders in a 4-3 ruling, saying she illegally seized authority from a 1945 law in order to extend the lockdown beyond April 30.

Dana Nessel tweeted the announcement on Sunday however she encouraged Michiganders to continue to social distance and wear masks.

“In light of the Supreme Court’s decision on Friday, the Attorney General will no longer enforce the Governor’s Executive Orders through criminal prosecution. However, her decision is not binding on other law enforcement agencies or state departments with independent enforcement authority,” the statement said.

“It’s her fervent hope that people continue to abide by the measures that Governor Whitmer put in place,” Nessel’s spox Ryan Jarvi said in the statement. “If it weren’t for the governor’s actions, countless more of our friends, family, and neighbors would have been lost to COVID-19.”

Gretchen Whitmer is a crazed tyrant, drunk on power who banned Michiganders from buying vegetable seeds at the grocery store.

Whitmer also called on Home Depot and Lowes to shut down to close certain sections like flooring, garden centers and plant nurseries.

Whitmer sent patients infected with Covid back into nursing homes, resulting in more than 2,000 deaths.

But she believes banning seeds, closing garden sections at Lowes and prohibiting people from riding in motorized boats saved thousands of lives.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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