THE KEY STAT: 43% Of All U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Come From 0.6% Of The Population

In a fascinating new analysis published by Forbes, the researchers find data that supports what The Gateway Pundit has been saying for ages: COVID-19 is very dangerous to the elderly — especially in nursing homes — but not so much for everyone else.

Some 2.1 million Americans, which represents just 0.62% of the U.S. population, live in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. “According to an analysis that Gregg Girvan and I conducted for the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity, as of May 22, in the 39 states that currently report such figures, an astounding 43% of all COVID-19 deaths have taken place in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.”

That’s nearly half of all deaths.

“Among states reporting their death totals, 42% of COVID deaths have taken place in long-term care facilities; we estimate the share as 43% for the full U.S. population, based on incorporating the demographics of the non-reporting states,” the writers say.

And 43% could be an undercount. States like New York exclude from their nursing home death tallies those who die in a hospital, even if they were originally infected in an assisted living facility. Outside of New York, more than half of all deaths from COVID-19 are of residents in long-term care facilities.

Prior to last week, Ohio reported that 41% of COVID deaths were taking place in long-term care facilities. But updated disclosures last Friday, taking deaths prior to April 15 into account, upped that share to 70%.

In Minnesota, 81% of all COVID-19 deaths are of nursing home and residential care home residents. The region from the eastern seaboard from Virginia to New Hampshire has been especially hard-hit.

Take Virginia, which has an estimated 8,536,000 people. The percentage who have contracted COVID-19: 0.4%. The percentage of the population in the state who have died: 0.014%. Of the dead, 77.4% were 70 or older (51.7% were 80+). Percentage of Virginians under 50 who died: 2.9% (of those who contracted virus). But that age group made up 60.2% of all infected in Virginia, which means the cure rate is sky high.

Then there’s this stat: 70+ age groups made up just 12.2% of all infected, but 77.4% of deaths.

If you elderly or infirm, COVID-19 could be bad. On the other had, some people 100+ have gotten the virus and survived.

New York state has seen more nursing home deaths from the coronavirus than any other state. Why? Because Gov. Andrew Cuomo enacted a state directive that required nursing homes to take in any and all coronavirus patients, which then swept through the most vulnerable population.

“New York has seen over 5,300 coronavirus-related deaths in nursing homes, which is about one-fifth of the nation’s total of nursing home deaths (about 26,000). The Associated Press reports an average of 20 to 25 nursing home deaths per day in the state of New York,” the AP wrote last week.