Joe Biden Says He Campaigned For Democrats “in 1918” (VIDEO)


Joe Biden’s mind is gone.

77-year-old Biden on Wednesday said he campaigned for Democrats in 1918.

“In 1918 — excuse me, in 2018, I campaigned for, over in 24 states for over 65 candidates,” said Biden.


Biden can’t make it through a sentence without tripping over his tongue or losing his train of thought.

Old Joe told a South Carolina crowd in February that he’s the ‘Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.’

Only he’s not.

Biden also told an Iowa crowd in January that he needs a strong Vice President because he’s old and may die in office.

“Whomever I pick” for VP, must “be capable of being president, because I’m an old guy — no I’m serious!” Biden said.


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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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