Coronavirus Model Used to Crash US Economy MASSIVELY OVERSTATED Hospitalizations in 40 States

The Gateway Pundit has reported many times that the Coronavirus models being used to predict hospitalizations are complete garbage.

The IHME and Murray models being used to crash the economy have massively overstated the impact of the Coronavirus in 40 different states.

These models are using New York and New Jersey data and applying it to the rest of the US.

Murray predicted last week that Washington state should have needed nearly 2000 beds for these sick patients.

They only have 254 in the hospital.

NY – Murray: 50K beds
Actuals 18K

CA: 4100 vs. 1100

Florida, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado- again MISS, MISS, MISS, MISS!

Connecticut, Delaware, Florida and Georgia – This model is overstating hospitalization by 2.5 times!

Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana — the number of ventilators needed is way off!

Murray has updated the model 4 times!

Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota – Maine was overstated by 7 times!

Murray model overstated Mississippi hospitalizations by over 2 times along with Montana, North Carolina and North Dakota

New Hampshire was overstated by 7 times!

Texas hospitalizations overstated by 9 times!

Wisconsin overstated by 2 times!

It gets worse…

The amount of Americans who are reported to have died from the Coronavirus is based on a CDC coding system that will “result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause more often than not.”

A new ICD code was established to keep track of Coronavirus deaths where a confirmed lab test isn’t even required!

Americans want answers!

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

You can email Cristina Laila here, and read more of Cristina Laila's articles here.