MSNBC Host: Trump Is ‘Talking About Exterminating Latinos’

MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace took the liberal attack on President Trump to a whole new level on Monday, saying he is “talking about exterminating Latinos.”

Here’s the transcript, via Newsbusters:

Deadline: White House
4:13 pm EDT

RAUL REYES: In words and actions throughout his presidency, he’s basically declared open-season on Latinos because we are one of his favorite targets . . . And it’s not just the language he used, you mentioned calling Mexicans drug dealers and rapists when he came down the escalator. That was day one. Then it escalated into attacks on Latino journalists. It escalated into attacks on the so-called, in his words, Mexican judge.


REYES: Then ramped it up again to the invasion, warning people of a caravan and words like infestation. What do you do with an infestation? With an infestation, the natural conclusion is attempt an extermination.

WALLACE: What do you do when, certainly, the last Republican president fought for, sought and it’s not ideal but had 44% of Latino voters. So politically powerful inside the last Republican administration. President Obama used the power of the presidency to try to pass comprehensive immigration reform, with the Latino community, Latino leaders, at the table. You now have a president, as you said, talking about exterminating Latinos.

REYES: Right.

What’s next?


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