Socialist Sanders Says: ‘A Lot Of People In The Country Would Be Delighted To Pay More In Taxes’

Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont who is running for president in 2020 on a platform of free everything for everybody, says Americans would be “delighted” to pay more in taxes.

During an interview on CNN  Wednesday night, in which he called for an “Economic Bill of Rights,” Sanders said all Americans should get free health care and education — and would gladly pay much higher taxes like residents of other countries do.

“As you know, the taxes in many of those countries are much higher than they are — the individual and personal tax are much higher than they are in the United States,” host Anderson Cooper said.

“Yeah,” Sanders said, “but I suspect that a lot of people in the country would be delighted to pay more in taxes if they had comprehensive health care as a human right.

“I live 50 miles away from the Canadian border. You go to the doctor any time you want. You don’t take out your wallet. You have heart surgery, you have a heart transplant and you come out of the hospital and it costs you nothing,” the socialist said.

Sanders, who lost to Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic nomination in 2016, has been campaigning across the country, promising a slew of free services if elected. So far, he trails former vice president Joe Biden by double digits.

Among those free services is college tuition.

“Your kids in many countries around the world can go to the public colleges and universities tuition-free, wages in many cases are higher,” Sanders said. “So there is a tradeoff, but at the end of the day, I think, that most people will believe they will be better off when their kids have educational opportunities without out of pocket expenses and when they have health care as a human right and they have affordable housing, when they have decent retirement security, I think most Americans will understand that is a good deal.”

Watch below:

Estimations for “free” tuition run as high as $75 billion in taxpayer cash. Sanders also supports a 90% tax bracket and redistribution of wealth.

Other Democratic candidates are also promising a lot of “free” stuff. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) wants to just give away cash. Harris in October 2018 unveiled a plan in which families making less than $100,000 a year could receive up to $500 a month, or $6,000 a year, and individuals making less than $50,000 could get $250 a month — all from taxpayers.


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