The Gateway Pundit is one of the hundreds of conservative publishers, political operatives and social media stars who is being censored and smeared by Google.
If you ‘google’ Gateway Pundit you typically have to wade through several hit pieces before you can find a link to the website.
If you use search engines Duck Duck Go or DogPile you will have completely different and uncensored results without the far left bias.
Google is so intolerant that despite the fact that The Gateway Pundit it more credible than its mainstream competitors you cannot even find our articles in their search results.
This wasn’t always the case. Just three or four years ago The Gateway Pundit got a significant amount of traffic from Google.
Not anymore.
A Gateway Pundit reader sent a clear example of how Google is stifling results to The Gateway Pundit.
Google like Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and others has decided the best way to defeat conservatives in America is to eliminate them.
Unfortunately for these far left fascist groups our traffic continues to grow despite their constant attacks.
Thanks to our amazing readers!