Legendary Kiss rocker Gene Simmons visited the Pentagon and White House Thursday. At the White House, Simmons was seen entering the grounds with his wife Shannon Tweed.
On the random sighting of the day: Gene Simmons from the band KISS just walked across the North Lawn of the White House to go inside. (Pic from Matt Leach) #Concert #Music #KISS pic.twitter.com/56qNgzgUaI
— Edward Lawrence (@EdwardLawrence) May 16, 2019
Just another Thursday at the White House. @genesimmons is here. Said he’s visiting his “favorite secret service agent” but did not answer @finnygo q if he’s meeting with @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/qkUkYikw4C
— Katiana Krawchenko (@kkrawchenko) May 16, 2019
At his stop at the Pentagon, Simmons greeted troops and gave a very emotional speech about being a young immigrant child from Israel, choking up as he talked his recently deceased 93-year-old mother’s love of America. Simmons said his mother was a Nazi concentration camp survivor who gave birth to him in Israel before immigrating to the United States. Simmons noted he is from what is known as the Promised Land, but said to take it from him that “America is the Promised Land”.
Watch the video by McClatchy Washington Bureau:
.@KISSOnline Gene Simmons just visited the Pentagon. His visit wasn’t at all what you might have expected it to be. (Thread) pic.twitter.com/YAIWHNebxI
— Tara Copp (@TaraCopp) May 16, 2019
Instead of a more “rock on”-type vibe, Simmons choked back tears as he told the room how his mother was 14 when she was put in a Nazi concentration camp, survived, gave birth to him in Israel and came to America.
— Tara Copp (@TaraCopp) May 16, 2019
Frustrated reporters noted Simmons spoke to the press in the briefing room, which has not had an on camera briefing by a Pentagon spokesman in nearly a year, at a time of heightened tension with Iran.
Following Gerard Butler's Pentagon presser last year, Gene Simmons now makes an appearance at the lectern. (It's been almost a year since an on-cam Pentagon briefing.) pic.twitter.com/omHMk9loVL
— Evan McMurry (@evanmcmurry) May 16, 2019
As tensions between Iran and the United States increase in the Middle East, the Pentagon briefing room is being used to host Gene Simmons of Kiss. pic.twitter.com/NauZ0bfkgm
— Idrees Ali (@idreesali114) May 16, 2019