On Thursday morning President Trump met with reporters before his flight to the Air Force Academy in Colorado.
The liberal media peppered President Trump with questions before his departure.
One hack asked the president about Russia helping him get elected. This comes after a tweet error this morning that the media is pretending is the scandal of the century.
President Trump responded:
“No, Russia did not help me get elected. You know who got me elected? I got me elected. Russia didn’t help me at all. Russia, if anything helped the other side. You think the media helped Hillary Clinton get elected? She didn’t make it but the collusion between Hillary Clinton and the media.”
Trump is right.
The liberal mainstream media continues to give him over 90% negative coverage. This same liberal media was dining with and meeting privately with the Clinton campaign. They gave Crooked Hillary millions in free advertising. Americans are catching on to this thanks to President Trump.
WATCH: After tweeting this morning that "I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected," President Trump tells reporters that “No, Russia did not help me get elected. You know who got me elected? I got me elected. Russia didn’t help me at all.” pic.twitter.com/7IFOx96Sdd
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) May 30, 2019