Pennsylvania Elementary School Drops “God Bless America” After Pledge of Allegiance

Peter Brigg, the principal at Sabold Elementary School in Springfield, Pennsylvania will no longer say “God bless America” after the Pledge of Allegiance.

The left has pushed God completely out of schools and they wonder why violence and mass shootings on campus are on the rise.

A parent complained about Brigg’s routine of saying “God bless America” has he led students in the Pledge, to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, whose lawyers contacted the school district, reported Fox News.

The school district acquiesced and decided to halt the practice after consulting with their legal team.

In a statement, the school district says it is not prohibiting students from saying “God bless America” after the pledge on their own volition.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation says “young elementary school children don’t need to be coerced into affirming God’s name every morning.”

Strange how these leftist groups never complain about the Islamic indoctrination in public schools; they only target Christians and conservative ideals.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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