Lindsey Graham
Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) demanded Andrew McCabe testify to the Committee after an excerpt of his explosive “60 Minutes” interview was released.
LINDSEY GRAHAM: “After Mr. McCabe’s 60 Minutes interview, it is imperative that he, and others, come before the senate judiciary to fully explain how and why a FISA warrant was issued against Carter Page and answer questions about what appears to be, now more than ever, bias against President Trump.”
After Mr. McCabe’s 60 Minutes interview, it is imperative that he, and others, come before @senjudiciary to fully explain how and why a FISA warrant was issued against Carter Page and answer questions about what appears to be, now more than ever, bias against President Trump.
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) February 14, 2019
Senator Graham is also seeking testimony from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, reported The Hill.
“Yeah, I would like to know what happened. You’re having a conversation about whether or not you’re going to invoke the 25th Amendment,” Graham said when asked if he would subpoena Rosenstein to testify if he didn’t agree to appear before the panel.
“I imagine if the shoe were on the other foot, my Democratic colleagues would want to know about that conversation if it involved a Democrat. Absolutely, I want to hear from him at the appropriate time,” Graham added.
Andrew McCabe gave an interview to CBS’s “60 Minutes” which will air this Sunday as part of his PR blitz to get ahead of a potential grand jury indictment.
McCabe said in his “60 Minutes” interview that top DOJ officials were so worried over President Trump’s decision to fire corrupt Comey as FBI Director that they discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office.
Andrew McCabe also ordered officials to open an obstruction of justice case after Trump fired Comey to see if President Trump was acting as an agent on behalf of Russia.
Both of these revelations were previously reported by the media — The New York Times first reported that DAG Rod Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire to help oust Trump and in December CNN reported that McCabe opened an obstruction case before Mueller was appointed.
Rosenstein has denied reports he discussed wearing a wire to oust Trump using the 25th Amendment.
In plain English, this was an attempted coup and it is still continuing with Mueller’s inquisition.
This was the “insurance policy” that McCabe, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page discussed which was revealed in the text messages exchanged between the FBI lovebirds.
Rosenstein previously denied reports he planned to wear a wire and oust Trump from office as “inaccurate and factually incorrect” — on Thursday, the Justice Department released a statement reiterating Rod Rosenstein’s denial he plotted to remove President Trump.
“The Deputy Attorney General never authorized any recording that Mr. McCabe references. As the Deputy Attorney General previously has stated, based on his personal dealings with the President, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment, nor was the DAG in a position to consider invoking the 25th Amendment,” a DOJ spox said on Thursday.