Deep State Crooks Caught in MORE LIES!
As Cristina Laila reported earlier in September 2018 —
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein spoke with DOJ and FBI officials about wearing a wire and secretly recording President Trump to be able to build a case that Trump is unfit to hold office. The Deep State anti-Trump Democrat operatives were plotting to remove Trump by the 25th Amendment on insanity charges… Because they disliked him and wanted Hillary to win.
DAG Rosenstein began plotting Trump’s removal shortly after FBI Director Comey was fired.
James Comey was fired on May 9th, 2017 and DAG Rosenstein was appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate Trump-Russia collusion a week later.
Rosenstein was acting Attorney General after AWOL Jeff Sessions recused himself from his duties a day after he was sworn in.
Rod Rosenstein denied that the earlier accusations that he was discussing wearing a wire to take down Trump.
Rod Rosenstein signed a FISA warrant to spy on Trump in June 2017.
Rosenstein signed the final FISA Renewal – sometime around June 29, 2017. After Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel on May 17, 2017.
New York Times reporter Michael Schmidt learned that Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire a SECOND TIME!
UPDATE: We’ve learned that on a second occasion, Rosenstein discussed wearing a wire. This was in addition to the earlier instance of him raising the idea of either him or FBI officials wearing recording devices for when they see Trump w/@adamgoldmanNYT
— Michael S. Schmidt (@nytmike) September 21, 2018
Now this…
Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe will appear on ’60 Minutes’ on Sunday.
CBS News Correspondent Scott Pelley told teased the interview on Thursday. According to Pelley Andrew McCabe says the FBI and DOJ Democrats discussed wearing wires several times to spy on President Trump. This was AFTER they started spying on the Trump campaign, Transition team and Trump Administration illegally.
The Deep State FBI-DOJ can NEVER be trusted!
Via FOX and Friends: