(UPDATE: Hill Denies Intent) Atlantic Writer Jemele Hill Called for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Lead Plot to Assassinate Trump During SOTU Address

UPDATE: Jemele Hill claims “GETCHO HAND OUT MY POCKET” is a phrase she has used in the past and that she meant no harm or malice.  Apparently it is just sheer coincidence that the Woke, Trump-hating Hill used the Malcolm X assassination cue in her tweet about Trump giving the State of the Union address.

Hill responded to Donald Trump Jr., who tweeted Wednesday, “Hey is this acceptable from one of your writers? Do you condone it? Or will your inevitable inaction speak for itself? Asking for rational Americans.”

Hill wrote, “Please, allow me to retort …Let me be clear: I have often disagreed with many of the president’s policies, his behavior and rhetoric, but I would never call for violence against him, or any person. I apologize for breathing life into such an absurd assumption.”


Original article:

Atlantic staff writer Jemele Hill, formerly with ESPN, tweeted a call for President Trump to be assassinated at the State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress Tuesday night in a plot led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). The tweet has since been deleted, but not before it was reported by conservative-leaning media outlets like the ResurgentBreitbart, Free Beacon, Newsbusters and Twitchy. Mediaite was the lone non-conservative site to also cover Hill’s assassination plot tweet, as of publication of this article. Other news outlets have ignored this assassination call by a prominent member of the media.

Ocasio-Cortez has not apparently commented on Hill’s call for her to lead an assassination plot against President Trump.

Hill wrote,  “Nah, she gotta yell: GETCHO HAND OUT MY POCKET”, a direct reference to the assassination plot that killed Malcolm X in 1965 in which a man yelled that out to distract security guards who left Malcolm X when they went to investigate the yelling. The unprotected Malcolm X was then killed by three men in a hail of gunfire.

Hill was replying to a comment by Showtime’s Desus Nice during Trump’s speech for Ocasio-Cortez to yell out a trolling, “whose mans is this”.

A recent promo photo of Jemele Hill:


The Washington Post in 2018 recounted the February 21, 1965 assassination of Malcolm X in Harlem.

“The shooting began in the Audubon Ballroom just as Malcolm X was preparing to speak.

“A commotion eight rows back in the Harlem auditorium interrupted him. “N—–, get your hand outta my pocket,” a man yelled that Sunday in February.

“Now, now, brothers, break it up,” Malcolm X told them. “Be cool, be calm.”

“Distracted, Malcolm’s bodyguards moved away to break up the scuffle. Suddenly, a man rushed the stage with a sawed-off shotgun, and two more fired handguns, hitting Malcolm X in the chin, hand and chest.

“Betty Shabazz threw her body on her children, who were seated in a curved booth near the stage, said her daughter, Ilyasah Al Shabazz, who was just 2 years old when she witnessed the Feb. 21, 1965, assassination of her father”…END EXCERPT.

Requests via Twitter by this writer for comments from Atlantic Editor-in-Cioef Jeffrey Goldberg and Scott Nover, media and politics writer for the Atlantic, were not responded to by publication of this article.

This is what Jemele Hill was calling to happen to President Trump:


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Kristinn Taylor has contributed to The Gateway Pundit for over ten years. Mr. Taylor previously wrote for Breitbart, worked for Judicial Watch and was co-leader of the D.C. Chapter of FreeRepublic.com. He studied journalism in high school, visited the Newseum and once met David Brinkley.

You can email Kristinn Taylor here, and read more of Kristinn Taylor's articles here.