UPDATE: Jemele Hill claims “GETCHO HAND OUT MY POCKET” is a phrase she has used in the past and that she meant no harm or malice. Apparently it is just sheer coincidence that the Woke, Trump-hating Hill used the Malcolm X assassination cue in her tweet about Trump giving the State of the Union address.
Hill responded to Donald Trump Jr., who tweeted Wednesday, “Hey @TheAtlantic is this acceptable from one of your writers? Do you condone it? Or will your inevitable inaction speak for itself? Asking for rational Americans.”
Hey @TheAtlantic is this acceptable from one of your writers? Do you condone it? Or will your inevitable inaction speak for itself?
Asking for rational Americans. https://t.co/EuLgd8Iq2z— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 6, 2019
Hill wrote, “Please, allow me to retort …Let me be clear: I have often disagreed with many of the president’s policies, his behavior and rhetoric, but I would never call for violence against him, or any person. I apologize for breathing life into such an absurd assumption.”
Please, allow me to retort … https://t.co/K9q9YVUmsq
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) February 6, 2019
Let me be clear: I have often disagreed with many of the president’s policies, his behavior and rhetoric, but I would never call for violence against him, or any person. I apologize for breathing life into such an absurd assumption.
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) February 7, 2019
And that’s why I took it down. I don’t need to dig in on this unnecessarily. If there’s a chance someone could arrive at that conclusion, I’d rather just say I’m sorry and move on. https://t.co/sDEoQ8gsVW
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) February 7, 2019
So, FYI .. i literally have used GETCHO HAND OUT OF MY POCKET a bunch of other times on Twitter, and always in a manner where you want to escape or distract from a situation. Never in a way that was harmful or malicious. pic.twitter.com/Hk7JLvwrdV
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) February 7, 2019
Original article:
Atlantic staff writer Jemele Hill, formerly with ESPN, tweeted a call for President Trump to be assassinated at the State of the Union address before a Joint Session of Congress Tuesday night in a plot led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). The tweet has since been deleted, but not before it was reported by conservative-leaning media outlets like the Resurgent, Breitbart, Free Beacon, Newsbusters and Twitchy. Mediaite was the lone non-conservative site to also cover Hill’s assassination plot tweet, as of publication of this article. Other news outlets have ignored this assassination call by a prominent member of the media.
Ocasio-Cortez has not apparently commented on Hill’s call for her to lead an assassination plot against President Trump.
Hill wrote, “Nah, she gotta yell: GETCHO HAND OUT MY POCKET”, a direct reference to the assassination plot that killed Malcolm X in 1965 in which a man yelled that out to distract security guards who left Malcolm X when they went to investigate the yelling. The unprotected Malcolm X was then killed by three men in a hail of gunfire.
Hill was replying to a comment by Showtime’s Desus Nice during Trump’s speech for Ocasio-Cortez to yell out a trolling, “whose mans is this”.
please let @AOC yell out "whose mans is this"
— Desus Nice (@desusnice) February 6, 2019
A recent promo photo of Jemele Hill:
The Washington Post in 2018 recounted the February 21, 1965 assassination of Malcolm X in Harlem.
“The shooting began in the Audubon Ballroom just as Malcolm X was preparing to speak.
“A commotion eight rows back in the Harlem auditorium interrupted him. “N—–, get your hand outta my pocket,” a man yelled that Sunday in February.
“Now, now, brothers, break it up,” Malcolm X told them. “Be cool, be calm.”
“Distracted, Malcolm’s bodyguards moved away to break up the scuffle. Suddenly, a man rushed the stage with a sawed-off shotgun, and two more fired handguns, hitting Malcolm X in the chin, hand and chest.
“Betty Shabazz threw her body on her children, who were seated in a curved booth near the stage, said her daughter, Ilyasah Al Shabazz, who was just 2 years old when she witnessed the Feb. 21, 1965, assassination of her father”…END EXCERPT.
Requests via Twitter by this writer for comments from Atlantic Editor-in-Cioef Jeffrey Goldberg and Scott Nover, media and politics writer for the Atlantic, were not responded to by publication of this article.
@JeffreyGoldberg Okay with the Atlantic for staff writers to call for the assassination of the President? Jemele Hill wrote of her wish for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to lead an assassination plot against President Trump during last night's State of the Union. Still employed.
— Kristinn Taylor (@KristinnFR) February 6, 2019
@ScottNover It says you cover media and politics. A writer for the Atlantic, Jemele Hill, called for the assassination of President Trump during the State of the Union last night. I don't see a report by you. Did I miss it?
— Kristinn Taylor (@KristinnFR) February 6, 2019
This is what Jemele Hill was calling to happen to President Trump: