Liberty is dying in America, Michael Hansen, the director of Killing Europe, released his latest production Killing Free Speech on how the U.S. is going down the same self-destructive road as Europe.
The film exposes the radical left’s actions to silence free speech and the mainstream media’s efforts to shut down any point of view impeding an open-border agenda from Antifa violence in the streets to CAIR-imposed censorship, to hijab-wearing teachers teaching Islamic values in our schools.
The film also includes commentary by The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft.
The film features embattled Border Patrol agents and shocking undercover footage of far-left extremist groups operating in America. Killing Free Speech reveals their tactics and lays bare the open-borders agenda on the radical left.
The National Border Patrol Council 1613 wants the public to know the truth about what is going on at the border so that they can make informed decisions as to what is truly needed to secure the borders effectively, humanely and safely.
Killing Free Speech gave the agents a voice and an opportunity to speak the truth and it is a powerful testament to the men and women of the Border Patrol who risk their lives every day.
The first screening date of “Killing Free Speech” was Monday, October 15, 2018. It was previewed at the National Border Patrol Council Local 1613.
The film was such a hit with the border patrol agents that they planned to have the Texas Border Patrol set up a screening as well.
However, when select media outlets learned of the screenings, they wrote scorching articles accusing the border patrol union of “endorsing extremist video featuring white nationalists.”
Another leftist lie
This was, of course, fake news. Must conservatives featured in the documentary are in fact members of minority communities in this country. Terence Shigg, National Border Patrol Council Local 1613 President, is himself African American, and as Terence points out, “Nowhere in the article do the journalists actually identify what white nationalist appear in the movie.”
The far left articles prove the film is right about the mainstream media. Sadly, the articles worked to their intention. Border Patrol National was put under so much pressure that any additional screenings were off the table, and for the time being, the media was able to silence the Border Patrol and their free speech rights.
This brings us to the government shutdown and the border wall.
** Why is the mainstream media misrepresenting what is going on at the border?
** Why do journalists discredit the Border Patrol for endorsing films that give them a voice?
** And why is the Democratic Party against the border wall so much so that they are willing to shut down the government?
“The reality is that border patrol agents are saying ‘We want this wall, we need this wall, it will work.’