President Trump Slams FBI Hypocrisy Surrounding Roger Stone Arrest

In his first tweet explicitly about his longtime friend and advisor Roger Stone’s early morning arrest on Friday, President Trump highlighted the unequal application of the law by FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team. He rightfully pointed to a host of DC insiders who actually lied to congress and destroyed evidence, including former FBI Director James Comey and Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Stone has long predicted he would be indicted on process crimes as a result of the Russia investigation, making it clear that they would never be able to charge him with collusion… because he never colluded with any Russians. Ultimately, Stone was correct, and what we saw in the FBI’s early morning raid at Mr. Stone’s home proved that Mueller’s team still has nothing.

Nonetheless, Stone has been indicted and will have to fight the full brunt of the federal government in order to stay out of prison, which is expected to cost him several million dollars. You can help him by donating to his legal defense fund at or by purchasing a “ROGER STONE DID NOTHING WRONG” t-shirt from the

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