Twice-failed presidential hopeful Crooked Hillary is STILL complaining about her crushing 2016 election loss and now she’s calling for social media censorship by the midterm elections.
The Democrats (Communists) know they cannot win honest elections on their ideas because they simply do not have a clear message that resonates with American voters.
Hillary Clinton sounded the alarm Monday; she knows the 2018 elections are around the corner so conservatives on social media sharing articles and ideas must be censored.
The irony of Hillary using Twitter to call for social media censorship. She’s allowed to express herself, but the peasants must be stifled.
Hillary tweeted, “We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process. Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.”
We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process. Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 27, 2018
The social media giants are fiercely working to de-platform, shadowban and censor Trump supporters, conservatives and Christians only. They constantly accuse us of being ‘Russian bots’.
Gateway Pundit’s founder and Editor-in-Chief Jim Hoft along with fearless warrior Pamela Geller recently held a panel in Washington D.C. to address tech giants silencing conservatives through algorithms.
Guerrilla journalist James O’Keefe recently busted Twitter with undercover videos wherein Twitter engineers admit they ‘shadowban’ and suspend Trump supporters.
YouTube is purging and demonetizing conservatives as well. This week, Infowars’ founder Alex Jones was hit with a second strike from YouTube and faces the possibility of using his YouTube channel which has a tremendous following.
During the election The Gateway Pundit was the fourth most influential conservative news source.
Following the 2016 election Harvard and Columbia Journalism Review funded research (with money from the Soros Open Society) to find out what happened.
What they found was that conservative Americans whole-heartedly rejected the liberal media and went online and to social media to find the truth.
Despite this our traffic continued to grow in 2017.
The left wants us COMPLETELY SILENCED.
Hillary got savaged on Twitter from conservatives.
Gab, a social media free speech platform hammered Hillary:
You’re not going to stop the free flow of information on the internet. You’re not going to censor free expression. You’re not going going to stifle individual liberty. EAT SHIT.
— Gab: Free Speech Social Network (@getongab) February 27, 2018
Translated: “The elites should start getting serious about the social media problem that exposes us all for our lies. Unless we start shutting those plebs up, it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our donor class to get this right, and fast.”
— Gab: Free Speech Social Network (@getongab) February 27, 2018
Other fed up Americans chimed in as well.
What a pathetic person you have become. Can’t take responsibility for yourself. It’s always someone else’s fault. You wasted billions of dollars and still lost. Know why? For starters #Benghazi
— Kefir (@Flare5699) February 27, 2018
The idea that social media was unfair to you is comical to the point of being farce.
— B. Miller (@BlaiseInKC) February 27, 2018
Yet here you are…..on Social Media…..complaining about Social Media. Be brave, leave the platform and be an example to us all😂😂😂😂😂😂
— Di (@Dihaggis) February 27, 2018
Said the woman who has google in her left, right, front, back pockets
— Winning! Laura (@lalalod) February 27, 2018
Lol Hillary spent like 4 times more than Trump on election and she has audacity to whine about digital promotion cost? Lol 😂
— Halo (@mightyhalos) February 27, 2018
So what you mean is, censor conservatives on all social media platforms to prevent from sharing the TRUTH about Democrats before the midterms. God is with us, you wicked woman. God is with US! #VoteRed #VoteRed #VoteRed & help save America from the Left!
— Griffin’s Daughter (@laineymel) February 27, 2018