Is She Drinking Again? Hillary Clinton Sounds the Alarm ‘The Russians Are Coming’

The Russians are coming!

Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton sounded the alarm Wednesday from her Twitter account like a modern day Paul Revere.

Russians under every bed!

Hillary Clinton thinks the Russians are so dangerous that her State Department approved the sale of 20% of our Uranium reserves to the Russians after the Clinton Foundation received $145 million dollars from many people connected to the Uranium deal.

Hillary Clinton tweeted, “I say this as a former Secretary of State and as an American: the Russians are still coming. Our intelligence professionals are imploring Trump to act. Will he continue to ignore & surrender, or protect our country?”

Hillary linked to a Washington Post article titled, ‘Cyber chief says Trump has given him no new authority to strike at Russian interference threat.’

The head of U.S. Cyber Command warned lawmakers that penalties and other measures have not “changed the calculus or the behavior” of Russia as it seeks to interfere with this year’s midterm elections.

“We’re taking steps, but we’re probably not doing enough,” Adm. Michael S. Rogers, who also directs the National Security Agency, said in testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee. Russian President Vladimir Putin, he added, “has clearly come to the conclusion that ‘there’s little price to pay here and therefore I can continue this activity.’ ”

“If we don’t change the dynamic here, this is going to continue,” Rogers said.

He said that President Trump has given him no new authorities or capabilities to strike at Russian cyber-operations ahead of the midterms, but Rogers has directed Cybercom’s National Mission Force, which protects the U.S. homeland from foreign cyberthreats, “to begin some specific work.”

He did not elaborate.

Obama and his crooked administration did nothing about the Russian troll farm that set up shop in the U.S. in 2014. Perhaps because the ‘threat level’ was low?

The left has now shifted the narrative since the Russian collusion hoax is unraveling; they want Trump to put sanctions on Russia over the online trolls.

Hillary Clinton and the delusional left just can’t admit Hillary was a horrible candidate and was rejected by the American people; she lost because of the Russians.

Crooked Hillary, the FBI and DOJ are the only ones who colluded with the Russians with the phony dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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