House Democrats produced their report and plan on how to protect future US elections.
They proudly posted their plan on the Government website.
They did not mention if the Pakistani Awan brothers and wives helped them with their report.
The Democrats based their analysis on the flawed premise that the Russians helped President Trump win the election.
Russian influence on social media was minimal.
The Russians did influence Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and deep state hacks with their Russian dossier that is now linked to Putin insiders.
Curiously the Democrat plan does not include any mention of voter IDs.
Mexico and India have voter ID laws but Democrats understand they’ll lose too many votes with voter ID laws.
The Democrat voter plan also insists states must move away from paper ballots.
They pretend to be upset with Russian interference but want to make the system more computerized?
Soros-linked Smartmatic machines are now used in 16 states.
Democrats want to make it 50!
Smartmatic, a UK based company, is a George Soros linked company that has provided voting technology in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
The company was formed in 2000 and a Chavez campaign adviser was placed on the board as well.
The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who sits in the British House of Lords and on the board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations. He was formerly the vice-chairman of Soros’s Investment Funds and even the deputy secretary-general of the United Nations when he worked as chief of staff to Kofi Annan.
According to Wikileaks documents Smartmatic machines were used to rig the 2004 Venezuela elections in favor of Marxist candidate Hugo Chavez.
More from Wikileaks: Smartmatic is a riddle. The company came out of nowhere to snatch a multli-million dollar contract in an electoral process that ultimately reaffirmed Chavez’ mandate and all-but destroyed his political opposition.