Oops! Trump Supporters Chant ‘CNN Sucks!’ Live on CNN Broadcast of Trump 100 Day Rally (VIDEO)

President Trump skipped the White House Correspondents Dinner in D.C. and decided to have a 100 day rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania instead.

POTUS Trump slammed the fake news media and the crowd started chanting ‘CNN sucks!’ as CNN was broadcasting live to their audience.

Trump: “That’s right.”

Crowd: “CNN Sucks! CNN Sucks! CNN Sucks!”

Trump: “Media outlets like CNN and MSNBC are fake news. Fake news.”

This is so great! Not only was the crowd chanting ‘CNN sucks!’ live on CNN, but Trump blasted them calling them fake news too. There is something so satisfying about watching CNN and other fake news media outlets get destroyed like this!

VIDEO via Mark Dice’s YouTube channel:

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

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