WOW! GOP Senator: Trump Supporters Did Not Really Want a Wall When They Voted for Trump to Build a Wall (VIDEO)

Senator John Cornyn (Rep- Texas) doubled, then tripled down tonight when asked if Trump voters wanted a border wall… Senator Cornyn told Tucker Carlson Trump voters didn’t really want a wall.


Tucker Carlson: You were quoted the other day saying you’re not for a wall. The people of Texas are not for a wall. What gives you that impression considering he won your state be 9 points, pretty definitive win running on a wall? Why do you think he would not be for that?

Senator John Cornyn: …There are some areas where infrastructure is important, barriers so to speak. But it’s really a combination of personnel, technology and infrastructure. We’re working right now with the Department of Homeland Security on a plan to actually implement the president’s goal of securing the border. It’s long overdue. I fully support that….

Tucker Carlson: But he said… I want a wall, a big beautiful wall. That was a promise he made on his first day until his last. I want a wall. So why would you think that voters in your state, exempting the cliffs, why would they not want a wall too? Didn’t they vote for that?

Sen. Cornyn: I don’t think, I think they voted for border security. How we accomplish that I think they expect us to use our best judgement to try to accomplish…

Tucker Carlson: So you think your voters when they voted for Trump they weren’t voting for the wall he promised they were voting for Republican senators to figure out how to secure the border but they didn’t really mean a wall when they voted for a guy who promised a wall?

Sen. Cornyn: They expect us to use our best judgement and experience to accomplish that goal. And a wall, I got to tell you Tucker, is not going to stop illegal immigration…

He’s openly defying the Texas voters and could care less what they think!

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

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