Guest post by Joe Hoft
As we count down to the November 8th election, we will list 30 reasons in 30 days to vote for Donald Trump for President of the US.
Reason #30 – Whitewater
FBI Director James Comey’s probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private, unsecured email server was not his first time investigating the presidential candidate for alleged wrongdoing. Time magazine reported that 20 years ago FBI Director Comey was a deputy special counsel on the Senate Whitewater Committee, looking into the conduct of then President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton.
The Whitewater inquiry focused on whether Bill Clinton had used his political position while governor of Arkansas in the 1980s to push through an illegal loan to benefit the Clinton’s business partner in the Whitewater [real estate] Development Corporation.
Several people involved with the Whitewater Corporation (including Clinton’s successor as governor) ultimately went to jail, but the Clintons never faced criminal prosecution.
According to Yahoo News, Robert Fiske, the first federal prosecutor to probe the financial dealings of Bill and Hillary Clinton said he was poised to bring high-profile indictments against top Arkansas political and business figures when he was abruptly replaced by a panel of federal judges, throwing his investigation into turmoil.
Fiske, the former U.S. attorney who served as the original independent counsel in charge of the Whitewater investigation said in his memoir, “Prosecutor Defender Counselor, that he was “angry, frustrated and above all disappointed that I was not going to be able to carry through and finish bringing the indictments.”
By the summer of 1994, Fiske says, he was preparing to bring eight indictments against 11 defendants, including criminal charges for fraud against Jim and Susan McDougal (the Clintons’ Whitewater business partners), Webster Hubbell (then an associate attorney general and formerly Hillary Clinton’s law partner) and Jim Guy Tucker (Clinton’s successor as governor of Arkansas).
A key witness in these cases was David Hale, a former municipal judge and the owner of a federally subsidized small-business lending company. It was Hale who had made the most serious allegation against Bill Clinton: Hale had claimed that Clinton, while Arkansas governor, had pressured him to make a fraudulent $300,000 federally backed loan to a marketing company owned by Susan McDougal that was really intended to pay off the two couples’ debts in their Whitewater real estate investment. (“My name can’t show up on this,” Hale claimed Clinton had told him, an account that President Clinton later denied.)
Yahoo News reported that the alleged wrongdoing directed at Hillary Clinton in Whitewater was similar to her current email scandal: mishandling of documents related to a criminal investigation. The New York Times reported that when Clinton’s former law partner Vince Foster was found dead with an apparent suicide, Hillary Clinton Whitewater papers that Foster had in his law office taken to the White House, where they were locked away.
Time reported that –
In 1996, after months of work, FBI’s Comey came to some damning conclusions: Hillary Clinton was personally involved in mishandling documents and had ordered others to block investigators as they pursued their case. Worse, her behavior fit into a pattern of concealment: she and her husband had tried to hide their roles in two other matters under investigation by law enforcement.
Taken together, the interference by White House officials, which included destruction of documents, amounted to “far more than just aggressive lawyering or political naiveté,” Comey and his fellow investigators concluded. It constituted “a highly improper pattern of deliberate misconduct.
Whitewater set the tone for the way the Clinton’s handle personal matters. They lie, cheat, steal, delay and destroy to impair investigations into their wrongdoing. They couldn’t be trusted in 1996 and they can’t be trusted now.