Radio host and New Media mogul Glenn Beck who has endorsed and campaigned for Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said on his nationally syndicated radio show Friday morning that if he had a knife and got close enough to Cruz’s leading rival Donald Trump, “the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.”
Beck made the death threat in the context of talking about Thursday’s GOP presidential debate where the candidates were asked if they would support the eventual nominee.
“I don’t know what I would have done if I was sitting in their shoes…I can’t say it that way. If I were on the stage, I would have said, ‘Have you been listening to him tonight? Have you been listening to what I say about him?’ No I actually, I believe these things.”
“If I was close enough and had a knife, really, I mean I, the stabbing just wouldn’t stop.”
Laughter could be heard in the background from Beck’s staff as he talked about murdering Trump.
Beck’s remarks were first reported by the Daily Caller.
UPDATE: Beck’s sidekick Stu Burguire claimed on Twitter that Beck was actually saying he wanted to stab Stu, not Trump.
“@Nickgass he was speaking to me, his co-host. I mocked his error and he jokingly threatened me.”
Burguire was speaking to Politico reporter Nick Gass in response to his article on the matter.
MORE: The Blaze posted video of the segment to YouTube.
Stu Burguire posted an explanation to Facebook.
I’m not sure exactly how this got started, but it’s made for an interesting afternoon.
It was reported that Glenn had threatened to stab a presidential candidate this morning – which was odd, since I was on the show with him and didn’t notice anything like that. (Although, I do tune him out from time to time.)
Of course, if you were listening, you know that Glenn actually threatened ME, not Donald Trump. So, I am now stuck in the odd situation of defending my boss for threatening my life.
Basically, Glenn was talking about what candidates should say when asked if they would vote for Donald Trump. He said, “I dont know what I would say if I were sitting in their shoes.”
Obviously, he meant if “I were in their shoes” or if “I had to walk a day in their shoes” but he butchered the analogy. So, I made fun of him. As I do, every day.
I asked “why would you be sitting in someones shoes?” But, we were sort of talking over each other. So, Glenn stopped his point to hear what I said, (you can see him pause and listen), and I reiterated “Do they have gigantic shoes? Why would you be sitting in them?”
At that point he said TO ME, not to any of the candidates, but TO ME, “if I were close enough and had a knife, the stabbing would not stop.”
As he says this, you can see both Glenn and myself smiling and laughing. The video is here, watch for yourself, but a couple of points:
To be fair to the media, some sites edited the transcript, so getting the wrong idea was somewhat understandable. They also didn’t know by just those few seconds of audio that we were in different locations. Glenn was in DC at CPAC, I was in Dallas. That’s why he said “if I were close enough.”
Additionally, this is how we bust on each other all the time. If you listen **at all** you know that.”