Controversial Muslim activist Rose Hamid was escorted from the Trump rally in South Carolina on Friday after putting on a yellow Holocaust star and making a scene.
Hamid believes Muslims in America are treated just like Jews in Nazi Germany.
CNN spoke with Hamid before and after her demonstration at the rally.
Rose Hamid is a well known Sharia activist who made headlines after she refused to remove her hijab as a stewardess at US Airways. The airlines refused to allow Mrs. Hamid to continue working as a flight attendant because, the company said, her head scarf violated the company’s rules on uniforms.
Governor John Kasich today lectured Trump supporters for booing Rose Hamid’s political stunt.
“I saw a crowd booing this woman who was being escorted. That’s not the party of Jack Kemp. I mean, we are people that can tolerate differences.”
And, he wonders why he’s losing?