This was Epic.
Today Sen. Ben Sasse, the junior senator from Nebraska, walked onto the Senate Floor and delivered one of the most remarkable speeches in recent memory. Sasse schooled the White House on the word behind the letter “I” in “ISIL.”
Ben Sasse: Mr. President, this is lunacy. First, while the White House is insisting that no one use the word Islamic, or note any connection between the war that we’re facing and some subset of Islam. Even as the White House insists that no one use the word, their own preferred adjective, ISIL, or ISIS, begins with an “I.” Every fourth grader in America can deduce without any assistance from Vanna White what the rest of the word that begins with an “I” is. And yet the White House insists that no one should use the word. Mr. President, they are dealing with a world they wish were so, as opposed to the world that we are called to struggle.
Mic drop.
Senator Ben Sasse made similar remarks this week in San Bernardino, California.
ICYMI: Last night Senator Ben Sasse recorded a video outside the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California…
Posted by Ben Sasse on Monday, December 7, 2015