Mike Brown means we GOT TO FIGHT BACK!!! #MarchonFerguson
Reporter Jana Marie Gamble joins the New Black Panthers at the March on Ferguson last weekend.
Here she is carrying a coffin at the rally.
Local channel KSDK is investigating Gamble’s role in the march and rally.
KSDK checking station employee's role in Ferguson protest: http://t.co/DvQ2D0TRvK via @STLtoday via @stlsherpa
— Christine Byers (@ChristineDByers) March 23, 2015
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported:
A production assistant working at KSDK appears to have spent the weekend organizing, documenting and participating in Ferguson protests.
It has caught her bosses’ attention.KSDK (Channel 5) is looking into the role Jana Marie Gamble played in the last several days in the National March on Ferguson, held Friday and Saturday.
The march to protest the Aug. 9 shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson was orchestrated by longtime local protesters Zaki Baruti and Anthony Shahid, who also head up the Leadership Coalition for Justice.
On her Facebook page Sunday, Gamble posted: “Here are some amazing moments we shared as the #ItsAGambleProduction Team captured history in the making at the #NationalMarchOnFerguson …”
The photos bear an “It’s a Gamble Production” logo.
On Twitter, Gamble sent messages to various newspapers, journalists, activists — and at least one competing television station (KMOV) — to alert them to the marches.
She also sent an email to Post-Dispatch reporter Steve Giegerich, saying the importance of the march “has been amplified as an extension of the Ferguson crisis and murder of Michael Brown by Darren Wilson.”
After the march on Saturday, Gamble posted her reflections of the event Saturday:
“For 4.5 minutes we stood in complete silence to symbolize the 4.5 HOURS that Mike Brown, Jr. was on the ground after being shot to death. I cried like a baby!!”
Jana Marie Gamble compares the Selma civil rights march to robber Mike Brown’s shooting death.
#Ferguson2Selma2015 @ItsAGambleProd #ItsAGambleProduction http://t.co/pJ7JcHbspf #Ferguson #Selma50 #Love #Freedom pic.twitter.com/I1BSGdl0th
— Jana Marie Gamble (@AuthorJMG) March 24, 2015