Condoleezza Rice spoke at the St. Louis Speakers Series sponsored by Maryville University on Tuesday night. After an hour-long address on current world affairs Condi took a few questions. The former Secretary of State was asked about the massacre in Benghazi.
Here’s a partial transcript from her discussion on Benghazi terror attack on 9-11:
“When you have the ambassador walking out to talk to the Turkish chargé in the courtyard on 9-11, something doesn’t seem quite right to me about the level of security preparations at the consulate… The regional security officer is the head diplomatic security officer in the consulate. This one had come back in July, he had reportedly asked that some additional security be kept on the ground so something didn’t get right in terms of decisions about security on the ground prior to the attack.”
“The second big issue is what happened during the eight or nine hours. And there I think the proper place to understand that has to be the Congressional intelligence committees. There’s a lot that has to be understood about what is the role of the CIA was in all of this. There’s a lot that has to be understood about what role the Libyan militias actually were playing… It’s a sad thing with David Patraeus who I know very well and admire. I think he will be called to testify because he did the investigation himself… And they have in the State Department something we did not have which is a real time feed of what was going on.”