Dana Loesch reported at Big Government that the left is reporting 119% turnout in Madison today.
UPDATE: Madiscon City Clerk talks to Politico. Again, even 96% is completely unrealistic — and why have 25% projected by 11am?
Drudge has the following updates:
Voters wait out lines to cast Wis. recall ballots…
White House downplaying…
WASH POST: ‘Makeup of voters appears very close to original 2010 contest’…
Hundreds Report ‘Photo ID’ Issues…
400 Lawyers At The Ready…
Report: ‘119%’ Voter Turnout in Madison…
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has live election results.
WTMJ also has election results.
UPDATE: Say Goodnight Libs: @SeanHannity Says “We Hope to Make a Call This Hour” #WIRecall
9% reporting
Name Votes Vote %
Scott Walker, GOP (i) 104,372 59% %
Tom Barrett, Dem 72,779 41% %
Hari Trivedi, Ind 1,045 1% %
UPDATE: (8:45 PM CST) BREAKING: @SeanHannity says @FOXNews hopes to make a call “Within Minutes” #WIRecall
UPDATE: (8:50 CST)
19% reporting
Name Votes Vote %
Scott Walker, GOP (i) 246,308 61% %
Tom Barrett, Dem 157,262 39% %
Hari Trivedi, Ind 2,374 1% %
UPDATE: (8:55 CST) MSNBC just called the race for Governor Scott Walker!
UPDATE: LT. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch wins 59% to 41%
UPDATE: (9:30 CST)
50% reporting
Name Votes Vote %
Scott Walker, GOP (i) 616,607 58% %
Tom Barrett, Dem 436,576 41% %
Hari Trivedi, Ind 6,112 1% %
62% reporting
Name Votes Vote %
Scott Walker, GOP (i) 763,405 57% %
Tom Barrett, Dem 558,151 42% %
Hari Trivedi, Ind 7,765 1% %