The Obama Administration does not know exactly who the rebel leaders are in Libya… But that won’t stop them from training them and supplying them with arms.
Aljazeera reported:
Aljazeera reported:
US and Egyptian special forces have reportedly been offering covert armed training to rebel fighters in the battle for Libya, Al Jazeera has been told.
An unnamed rebel source related how he had undergone training in military techniques at a “secret facility” in eastern Libya.
He told our correspondent Laurence Lee reporting from the rebel-stronghold of Benghazi that he was sent to fire Katyusha rockets but was given a simple, unguided version of the rocket instead.
“He told us that on Thursday night a new shipment of Katyusha rockets had been sent into eastern Libya from Egypt. He didn’t say they were sourced from Egypt, but that was their route through.
“He said these were state-of-the-art, heat-seeking rockets and that they needed to be trained on how to use them, which was one of the things the American and Egyptian special forces were there to do.”
Obama must have forgotten to tell us this in his big speech on Libya earlier in the week.