Once again we’re reminded by the democrat-media complex that questioning Obama on anything, but especially his birth certificate, is racist.
And, questioning Obama’s birth certificate is “profoundly racist claptrap.” The media is even using quotes from prominent race hustler Jesse Jackson to get their point across.
Yahoo reported:
So what’s fueling the dogged questioning of Obama’s origins? Many critics of the birther movement say its core tenets–and its stubborn resistance to evidence disproving those beliefs–can be traced to racial hostilities. The fundamental birtherist conviction, these critics say, is that an African-American can’t have legitimately won the presidency–and that his elevation to power therefore has to be the result of an elaborate subterfuge.
“There is a real deep-seated and vicious racism at work here in terms of trying to de-legitimate the president,” Peniel Joseph, a professor of history at Tufts University, told The Ticket.
“This is more than just a conspiracy,” Peniel added. “I think this is fundamentally connected to white supremacism in this country.”
Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. in early April called for the connection to be publicly drawn between birthers and racism: “So it is time to call this birther nonsense what it is–not just claptrap, but profoundly racist claptrap.”
And columnist Michael Tomasky wrote for The Guardian Wednesday that the birther conspiracy “had to be the only explanation for how this black man got to the White House.” He added: “And if you think race isn’t what this is about at its core, ask yourself if there would even be a birther conspiracy if Barack Obama were white and named Bart Oberstar. If you think there would be, you are delusional.”
In a similar vein, Rev. Jesse Jackson told Politico yesterday that Donald Trump’s campaign to get Obama to release his birth certificate is deeply rooted in race.
“Any discussion of [Obama’s] birthplace is a code word,” Jackson said. “It calls upon ancient racial fears.” Jackson later added that, in his view, Trump “is now tapping into code-word fears that go far beyond a rational discourse.”
Expect to see a few hundred more articles like this between now and November 2012. It’s part of the plan.