A wonderful tribute to the Lebanese people…
A group of well dressed people “liberate” the Hizbullah-controlled Beirut Airport Duty Free Central Area, for a few minutes, dance the Lebanese Dabke (Debka). Everyone joins in.
What beautiful women. It’s a shame the Islamic thugs force them to hide under black sacks.
The Weekly Standard reported:
Most of the dancers are professionals, hired by M&C Saatchi MENA, to promote their client, Beirut Duty Free, while others swept up by the emotion just joined in. The aim of the spot, some Saatchi employees explain, was to leave passengers with a memory of Lebanon they could take with them on their journey.
Obviously, the video was not Nasrallah-approved.
It sure beats any production we’ve ever see by Hezbollah.
UPDATE: And while we’re in the region–
Here’s the Israeli beach flash mob.
What’s not to love?
Hat Tip RedWine