Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Ron Schiller Savages Conservatives & Tea Party Members

Conservative James O’Keefe strikes again…
The fillmmaker released video this morning of NPR senior executive Ron Schiller trashing conservatives and Christians in a staged meeting with fake Muslim Brotherhood members.

From the video:

Senior Executives at NPR meet with Muslim Brotherhood Front Group to solicit $5mm and discuss their federal funding, Fanatical Christians, Zionists in the media, Tea Partiers, Republicans, Uneducated Americans and Juan Williams.

Ron Schiller, President NPR Foundation.
Betsy Liley, Senior Director, NPR Institutional Giving.

Shaughn Adeleye as Amir Malik
Simon Templar as Ibrahmim Kasaam.

Produced by James O’Keefe
Promoting Modern-Day Muckrakers.

Song Licensed by

Talk about good timing…
Just yesterday NPR CEO Vivian Schiller proclaimed that NPR had “no particular bias.”

The Daily Caller reported on the tapes this morning:

A man who appears to be a National Public Radio senior executive, Ron Schiller, has been captured on camera savaging conservatives and the Tea Party movement.

“The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and very fundamental Christian – I wouldn’t even call it Christian. It’s this weird evangelical kind of move,” declared Schiller, who runs NPR’s foundation.

In a new video released Tuesday morning by conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe, Schiller and Betsy Liley, NPR’s director of institutional giving, are seen meeting with two men who, unbeknownst to the NPR executives, are posing as members of a Muslim Brotherhood front group. The men, who identified themselves as Ibrahim Kasaam and Amir Malik from the fictitious Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC) Trust, met with Schiller and Liley at Café Milano, a well-known Georgetown restaurant, and explained their desire to give to $5 million to NPR because, “the Zionist coverage is quite substantial elsewhere.”

On the tapes, Schiller wastes little time before attacking conservatives. The Republican Party, Schiller says, has been “hijacked by this group.” The man posing as Malik finishes the sentence by adding, “the radical, racist, Islamaphobic, Tea Party people.” Schiller agrees and intensifies the criticism, saying that the Tea Party people aren’t “just Islamaphobic, but really xenophobic, I mean basically they are, they believe in sort of white, middle-America gun-toting. I mean, it’s scary. They’re seriously racist, racist people.”

More… Project Veritas described their latest release this morning.

Dear American Taxpayer,

We’re back! Once again, a couple of “kids,” armed with nothing more than an undercover camera, have done what television reporters and newspaper journalists failed for years to do…

…We’ve just exposed the true hearts and minds of NPR and their executives.

As you’ve most likely heard by now, two young investigative journalists trained by my organization, The Project Veritas, went incognito and filmed two top level NPR executives, Ron Schiller and Betsy Liley, blasting Republicans, Tea Partiers, middle America, Jews, and Christians.

Basically, if you’re not an ivory tower educated elite, they attacked you.

Even more shocking — the NPR executives thought they were meeting with members of the Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC). The two undercover reporters actually told NPR the group was founded and funded by the Muslim Brotherhood!

By the way, the least offensive thing Schiller said was that NPR “would be better off in the long-run without Federal funding.”

If my belief in the infinite wisdom of the American people holds true, I think Mr. Schiller may get his wish — sooner than he was hoping. In fact, I’ve drafted a Petition to Investigate NPR, and I’d like for you to sign it.

Still More… Instapundit added this: Prof. Stephen Clark writes: “This is just too funny. My irony meter has red-lined and wisps of smoke are curling up from it: Remember when news organizations went trolling for bigots at NASCAR events and Tea Party rallies? Wonder if 60 Minutes will be interested in following up.” Heh.

UPDATE: Top executive Ron Schiller is leaving NPR. This was announced last week.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.