Park 51 developer Sharif El-Gamal has a history of run-ins with the law.
NBC will honor the Ground Zero Mosque developer Sharif El-Gamal as one of its People of the Year on Thanksgiving night.
Pundit Press reported:
In an interview set to air on Thanksgiving Day, Matt Lauer sat down with El-Gamal and discussed the “Park 51 Project.” El-Gamal, who was apparently pleased to be named one of NBC’s people of the year, seemed very comfortable answering questions. The excerpt released so far shows that Mr. Lauer gave El-Gamal a decidedly softball interview. Here is a partial transcript of El-Gamal’s opening statements:
“There’s going to be a facility here that’s going to provide aquatics, uh, uh, uh, a gym, just like a Jewish community center or, or a YMCA. It’s going to provide, uh, much needed facilities to the residents of Lower Manhattan.”
Lauer responds that there is “one major exception” to El-Gamal’s statement, describing the 9/11 terrorist attacks. However, El-Gamal’s quickly responded:
“Not once have I held my faith accountable for the horrific events of 9/11. I am an American. I am an American who has a specific belief system, and my belief system, in order to be a Muslim you have to be a good Jew and a good Christian.”