Pelosi democrat Ike Skelton, the longest serving Missouri Congressional member, lost tonight to Republican Vicky Hartzler in District 4.
Republican Roy Blunt is winning big over liberal Robin Carnahan for the US Senate seat.
Roy leads 57 to 37.
Missouri is GOING RED—
Vicky Hartzler is winning 52-43 with 43% of precincts reporting.
Update: Hartzler leads 50-45 with 73% of precincts reporting.
Update: Hartlzer leads 50-46 with 85% reporting.
In District 3 Republican Ed Martin is giving Pelosi-liberal Russ Carnahan a run for his money. Ed Martin leads with 81 of 311 precincts reporting.
Update: Ed Martin is still leading with 31 precincts reporting.
BIG UPDATE— With 254 of 311 precincts reporting Ed Martin trails Russ Carnahan 77,552 to 77,112.
MORE— ED PULLS AHEAD- 48-47% with 91% reporting.
UPDATE: Shocker— Four hours after the polls closed the few remaining precincts in the city just dumped their ballots into the pot giving Russ Carnahan a 4,000 vote lead.