(Updated and Bumped)
The wacky dishonest left wants you to believe that their crowd matched the Glenn Beck rally last month.
What a crock.
Only a couple of hundred stragglers hung out for the One Nation rally Saturday in Washington DC.
By the time the rally was winding down only a few dozen people were left to cheer the leftist speakers.
The union buses already packed up and left.
What an absolute fail.
Even the AP couldn’t spin it:
While the Beck rally stretched well down the National Mall, Saturday’s event was shaping up to be far smaller, with sparse groups lingering around the reflecting pool and other monuments.
Poor DC Vote Chairwoman Liz Allen was left to talk to herself at the One Nation Rally.
It must have been lonely up there.
Slam Poet Beau Siat spoke to the stragglers at 12:50 PM PST.
His performance should have been called, “Talking to Myself.”
American Power has more shots of the failure rally.