Well, you know dems can’t run on their record.
They can’t run on this:
(The Captain’s Comments)
They’ve destroyed the economy for years to come.
The unemployment rate is double what it was when they took over Congress.
(Source: US Misery Index)
So they’re broadening their bogus attacks on Rand Paul.
Now, horrid dishonest leftist Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is calling him a misogynist.
The Politico reported:
Down in the polls and running out of time in the Kentucky Senate race, Democrats are broadening their attack over the alleged “Aqua Buddha” prank from Republican Rand Paul’s college days, saying it shows he’s insensitive to women.
“I think Rand Paul’s views and actions border on misogyny,” said Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who joined a conference call organized by Democrat Jack Conway’s campaign Thursday.
With a new poll showing Paul leading the race by 5 percentage points, Conway clearly senses that he needs to stay on the offensive despite mixed reviews from even his allies about his controversial new ad, which accuses Paul of tying up a woman and blindfolding her and making her worship a god called “Aqua Buddha” when he was a student 30 years ago at Baylor University.
“This is an individual who is engaged in some egregious, unacceptable behavior, and the ad calls him out on it,” Schultz said on the call. “It makes women in Kentucky aware of the kind of views and the kind of choices that this individual who is trying to be their U.S. senator makes.”
The tactic is part of a clear effort by Conway to broaden his support among women voters, with whom he holds just a five-point advantage while Paul maintains a 16-point lead with males, according to the latest Mason-Dixon poll.