More Hope and Change…
Perky Michelle Obama left military wives in Kentucky with this hopeful message this week:
“We need to be more aware of the challenges these women are facing,” she said. “I think it’s so important for them to feel like they have a voice. We’re taught as women to keep it all in and suffer and just hold it down.”
Add this to the list of quotes by Mrs. Hope and Change:
** Michelle Obama Decides After 44 Years She Finally Can Stomach the US
** Michelle Obama’s “Proud of My Country” Twofer (Video)
** Michelle Obama: “We’re a Country That’s Downright Mean”
** Oops!… She Did It Again- Michelle Obama Bashes Ignorant America! (Video)
** “You’re alone in your failure.” (Get me more white people!)
** “We’re Guided By Fear… We’re a Nation of Cynics, Sloths and Complacents”
Gee, Michelle would be a real treat to to have in the White House for 4 years, huh?