It’s sweeping time!
Happy Trails To You…
Obama is looking for his second sweep of the Clintonista’s in three days.
And, odds are, he will get it.
The Washington Post reported:
Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama offered himself as “something new” at a pair of spirited, arena-size rallies in Maryland yesterday, while his primary rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton, portrayed herself as a “battle-scarred” fighter for the middle class at more intimate events held across the region on the eve of today’s primaries.
As the closing arguments were made to voters in Virginia, Maryland and the District, election officials were predicting a heavy turnout for the first-ever “Potomac Primary,” and a great deal was at stake for the two Democratic candidates.
Obama was angling to sweep the three jurisdictions. For Clinton, a stronger-than-expected showing could blunt Obama’s momentum in what has turned into a protracted competition for convention delegates: 171 are in play today, with contests in larger states such as Ohio and Texas looming.
Republicans will be on the ballot in the three jurisdictions as well today, but the contest between Sen. John McCain of Arizona and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee has been more subdued, given McCain’s seemingly insurmountable lead in delegates after Super Tuesday.
Viva Obama! Viva la Revolucion!
More… It sounds like the Messiah needs a teleprompter.
UPDATE: Obama takes Virginia– BIG TIME!
Hat Tip Larwyn
UPDATE 2: But, according to the Pennsylvania Governor Rendell, Hillary ought to do well in Pennsylvania, since the whites there don’t vote for blacks… Nice.
Thank goodness he’s a Democrat or his career would be over tonight.
UPDATE 3: Another sweep for Obama- And a sweep for McCain.