Alberto Gonzales Harassed, Abused at University of Florida (Updated With Student Response)

The intolerant Left is at it again…

In what is to be expected anymore on US university campuses…
Alberto Gonzales was the latest conservative to be abused during a speaking engagement.

The young storm troopers were out in force on Monday night.

Former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was harassed at Florida U on Monday night. The media reports don’t begin to tell the abuse this conservative received on the University of Florida campus.
The Florida Alligator reported:

In his first appearance at a university since resigning in August, former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was met at UF on Monday with a mixture of cheers, boos and scattered interruptions by protesters, two of whom were arrested.

Gonzales, who resigned from his position after a controversial tenure, spoke to more than 800 people at the Phillips Center for the Performing Arts.

…About 15 minutes into his speech, two UF students, Richard Gutierrez and Kevin Hachey, climbed onto the stage wearing orange jumpsuits and black hoods on their heads.

University Police Department officers scrambled onto the stage to remove them.

Matthew Cox, an employee of the Phillips Center, wrestled with one protester on the far side of stage, grabbing his legs and pulling him down.

The other stood directly next to Gonzales, who calmly avoided looking in his direction.

Of course… Left leading blog Think Progress clearly condones the abusive behavior.

Gonzales will be in St. Louis at Washington University in February.

Jammie Wearing Fool wonders where the tazer patrol was hiding out at.

UPDATE: This is supposedly from one of the peaceful protesters at the student riot against Alberto Gonzales at the University of Florida. I don’t have a way of checking the authenticity but here it is anyway:

as a protester at this event, i can assure you we took ample time discussing the repercussions of our actions on alberto’s right to speech. we decided unamiously to keep our protests visual, but silent.

that is why no one with in a hood, with a sign, or with the shirts that said shame are heard saying anything during their brief demonstrations. the entire vocal response was a spontanious reaction to our protests, and as loud as they were, even that was hardly sufficient to block alberto from speaking. which, by the way, was never a goal of ours, and if it was, i can assure you it would have happened just fyi…

Today’s young leftists have no idea what torture is, what freedom of speech is, and from the video of the assault on Gonzales, what silence is.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.