Will Antiwar Vets Group Use Phony Soldiers In Attacks on Rush?

Antiwar VoteVets.org spokesman Josh Lansdale…

A phony.

The Wesley Clark founded antiwar VoteVets.org will start airing ads today condemning Rush Limbaugh for his smeared comments last week.
The Hill reported:

An anti-war group consisting of veterans from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan is launching an ad Tuesday that attacks popular conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

The group, VoteVets.org, is spending $60,000 on the ad, which will air on Fox News and CNN. In addition, a radio version of the ad will run during Limbaugh’s show in Washington, D.C., and Palm Beach, Fla., the group said.

At issue is Limbaugh’s controversial “phony soldiers” remark that was made during a broadcast last week in response to a caller who criticized soldiers who spoke out against the war in Iraq. While Limbaugh says his remark is directed at people pretending to have a service record and seeking the limelight, Democrats have taken the statement as an insult to the troops who are serving but do not support the war and called the remark “hateful” and “unpatriotic.”

But… The real question is will this VoteVet.org’s ad be another one of their bogus ads???

Last year VoteVets.org released an attack ad claiming that we’re sending US troops into combat with leftovers from a war which ended 30 years ago. But as Q and O reported, this was not true:

That soldiers were being sent into combat in Iraq wearing vests “left over from Vietnam” is disingenuous at best and to then show only the partial capability of the vest in question is even worse.

Some may write it off to “politics”, but the sponsors of the ad, supposedly a veteran’s organization, should be ashamed of themselves.

Then there was this other phony controversy:

Josh Lansdale falsely charged he was denied health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs because of non-existent cuts to the VA budget.

Lansdale disappeared shortly after he made the ad for Democrat McCaskill.
This was found out about Josh’s “battle injuries” while he was missing:

Josh enlightened all Missourians with this message during his starring appearance in Claire McCaskill’s misguided propaganda peace. This description might leave many voters with a mental image of Josh falling in a hail of gunfire and heroically leaving the battlefield with a shattered ankle. Interestingly enough, though, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

According to several sources, the Source has learned the true nature behind Jumpin’ Josh’s injury. Rather than in a glorified firefight, Josh actually ‘busted’ his ankle in an intense volleyball match, believe it or not.

Josh Lansdale went on to make ads with the democratic anti-Iraq War group VoteVets.org…

Former US presidential candidate retired Gen. Wesley Clark (R) speaks during a press conference by veterans advocacy group VoteVets.org in Washington. US troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan lack proper equipment, are overstretched and face serious health problems upon their return home, according to a poll released by the group. Looking are from L Jon Soltz, co-founder and chairman of VoteVets. org Action Fund, VoteVets.org senior advisor Sam SchultzVoteVets.org co-founder and president Jeremy Broussard.(AFP/Nicholas Kamm)

Josh Lansdale also claimed that on August 19, 2003, when a truck bomb exploded outside the United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad- he was called the scene to evacuate those who were badly hurt.
He wasn’t.

Josh Lansdale also talked about the hot zone he was stationed at:

“It was a pretty hot zone. We took a lot of mortar fire, IEDs, car bombs, saw a lot of helicopter crashes and worked the UN embassy bombing. I dragged a lot of people out of burning buildings, cars, motorcycle wrecks and explosions.”

Again, this was not true.

But, VoteVets.org put Josh in their antiwar ads anyway.
Until they yanked his part without any explanation.

So again…
Will the antiwar vets group use phony soldiers in their attack ads on Rush?

Michelle Malkin has the latest on the smearing liberals.
Brian Faughnan at the Weekly Standard Blog sees democratic smoke and mirrors.
The Radio Equalizer has the new democratic antiwar VoteVets.org ad posted.

UPDATE… Disgraced antiwar General Wesley Clark wants Rush dumped even though Congress has no power over Armed Forces Radio.
Read the charter, General!

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.