Hah!! Rush Raises $2,000,200 For Marines!! (Video)

HAH!… Last night Rush Had Raised a Hsu’s worth ($850,000) of Donations For the US Marines!
Hat Tip Larry

This morning it is up to $2,000,200!
Make that $2,100,100 (8:30 EST)
With 15 minutes left in the auction the final bid stands at $2,100,100!
The auction ends at 1:00 PM EST.
Betty Casey wins Harry Reid Smear Letter!

UPDATE: Rush Limbaugh was on Hannity and Colmes on Thursday night.
This is what he had to say about the smear letter from Harry Reid-
Rush Gets The Last Laugh:

Rush Limbaugh gets the last laugh:

“Dingy Harry has got to be livid over this. It’s a letter with his signature. Its got $851,100 on it in terms of somebody wanting to buy it. He must have never expected that this would be made so public even though he read it on the Senate Floor and even though he released a press release about it. He’s got to be livid this has gotten out! He’s got to be livid this is happening. And, look at all of their failures from the S-CHIP Program, they failed to override the veto, all of their failures when they talk about the FISA Program. They totally caved. With 55 Resolutions to get us out of Iraq. They don’t have the guts to take away funding for the war. These two, Reid and Pelosi are two of the most ineffective leaders in the House and Senate in my lifetime. They have to be fuming over this!”

WOW!!… Finally, a way for Democrats to support the troops!!
Thank you, Senator Reid!
Thank you 41 smearing Democrats! Your smear has raised $851,000 for the US Marines.

Harry Reid’s smear letter to Rush fetches $851,000 for US Marines on eBay!

And, there’s still 16 hours to go!
You can still bid on the letter!

** While Democratic Congressmen were bashing the military today on the House Floor,
Rush Limbaugh’s eBay project to support the US Marines is up to $851,000!

HERE is an earlier post with the video of Rush announcing that he will auction off the letter.

Radio Equalizer is following the bidding.

Hat Tip to BG!

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.