General Wesley Clark, the antiwar activist and founder of, an organization that put out tainted antiwar ads during the 2006 elections, was a guest on the Allman and Crane Show on 97.1 FM in St. Louis.
During the exchange with Jamie Allman and Crane Durham, Clark wondered why his Far Left buds at MoveOn did not ask him for his opinion on their anti-Petraeus ad. (Do they usually?)
Clark gets caught trying to rewrite history:
Unfortunately for Clark, he got busted claiming the Saddam regime was not buying uranium in Africa. Crane Durham let him know it!
Here are a few reminders for the former valedictorian from West Point:
From the Washington Post:
Joe Wilson falsely claimed that he had “debunked” White House charges that Saddam had been trying to buy uranium in Niger. It turns out that Saddam had been trying to buy uranium, so that Iraq could build nuclear weapons.
Newsmax reported:
Experts say that Saddam Hussein had stockpiled enough partially enriched uranium to produce at least one full-fledged nuclear bomb.
The American Thinker, among others, also reported on Saddam’s attempts to buy African uranium.
The fact that Saddam was shopping for uranium is not secret.
And, despite the rantings of the Far Left loons, Wesley Clark ought to know better.