Here’s a side-by-side video of Osama bin Laden –2004 and 2007:
The video on the left is Osama in 2004 from YouTube and the video on the right is from today by the BBC.
OBL was more animated in 2004- more movements.
Today he looked a little stiff.
Osama’s last video in 2004 was released just days before the 2004 election. Some pollsters believed it gave President Bush a six point boost over Vietnam antiwar protester John Kerry.
OBL 2004 (left) and 2007 (right)
OBL 2004 (right) and 2007 (left)
The Stratasphere has thoughts on the withered Osama.
STACLU has today’s video on YouTube.
UPDATE: Bookyards has posted the transcripts for all of Osama’s speeches HERE.
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