We call on the United Nations to lock its doors to Ahmadinejad with a sign saying- “You have no place among Free Nations!” Iran is not only a threat to Israel and a threat to its neighbors but Iran is a threat to the entire world.
Tzipi Livni-
Israel Foreign Minister
Outside the United Nations
September 24, 2007
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni gave a very moving speech today outside the United Nations. This is a very important video:
(2:00 minutes)
Tzipi Livni:
Today we call on the United Nations to live up to that promise “Never Again” -Not for the past but for the future.
We call on the United Nations to lock its doors to Ahmadinejad with a sign saying- “You have no place among free nations!”
“This is not a rally of fear- It is a rally of determination!”
This video was sent by some very concerned Jewish friends at the protest today in New York City outside of the United Nations.
** Atlas Shrugs has terrific photos and video from the UN and Ground Zero protests on Monday.
And… UN expert Anne Bayefsky, editor at EYE on the UN writes at The New York Sun— “United Nations Has Failed…”