Arena of Ideas sends this update on the Talent signs vandalized by McCaskill volunteers last week.
Solution: Use 4 X 4’s! (I’m not talking about something that Chevy or Ford makes!)
Of course!
In case you missed the video…
Here is the clip of the two McCaskill campaign workers vandalizing Talent sign in Springfield, Missouri last week.
(28 seconds)
The two were later identified as McCaskill volunteers.
Previously on Claire:
Claire McCaskill Plays Moderate, But Is Busted in Nutroots Interview
Blogger Attacked for Airing McCaskill’s Racist/Crazy Bush Rant
Senator Frist Demands Claire McCaskill Apologize to Bush!
Democrats Try to “Edit Out” Clinton Protester at McCaskill Rally
McCaskill Buys News from KMOV
The Truth About Claire McCaskill’s Katrina Rooftop Deaths
McCaskill Campaign Caught Lying About a Vote She Never Took
After McCaskill Stump, Willie Nelson Is Busted for Pot & Shrooms!
McCaskill Gets “F” – Talent Gains Major African-American Support
Surprise! Young Democrats Busted Vandalizing for McCaskill
ACORN Workers Admit Recruiting for McCaskill!! (Video)