Val Prieto is out of the gate with a ‘Bang’ as a fill-in for Michelle Malkin while she is on vacation. Check out:
“Slavery in Harlem”
Here’s a bit more on Mr. Vicente (Panama) Alba who is organizing the party today for Fidel: “In 1970, he joined the Young Lords Party. In 1977, Mr. Alba became a political prisoner as the first person arrested in the United States with alleged ties to Fuerzas Amadas de Liberacion Nacional (FALN). He spent six months in jail… Today he organizes for the AFL-CIO.”
Bettnet says this is not a Catholic parish.
However… this is the Feast Day of St. Father Maximilian Kolbe.
A true martyr and hero.
And, in other news today from the island paradise, the Clinton Administration shut down a drug smuggling investigation on Raul Castro back in the ’90’s it was reported today.