“White Privilege” Billboards Pop Up In Portland

A group called “Equity In Action” has rented 25 billboard spaces throughout Portland for rich, guilty, white liberals to absolve themselves of their inner racism and feel like they’re doing something positive.

CHER: Trump Makes Me ‘Want to BLOW MY BRAINS OUT’

Cher has little love for Donald Trump, and went so far as to say that just watching the presumptive GOP nominee makes her want to “blow my brains out.” The singer made the comment Monday evening at a star-studded fundraiser for Hillary Clinton at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles, less than 24 hours before California holds its primaries.

Smiling Is Now Racist, Because “White Fragility”

At one of the many recent “whiteness history month” events at Portland Community College, Women’s Resource Center director Brad Fortier and instructor of education Tanya Mead lead a discussion entitled “It’s Not My Fault”, which centered around a notion of “white fragility” and microaggressions that white people, supposedly, do all the the time that are racist.