Current Military Generals – More Committed to Democrats and their Globalist Agenda – Join Deep State’s “Rolling Coup” of President Trump

President Trump and all of America held a deep regard for the US military for years. This was even after the wars in Iraq and the Obama Administration. Now it appears the true colors of the US military are showing and they aren’t flying for America or President Trump. President Trump and all of America held a deep regard for the military. Conservatives saluted the military for ages while Democrats reviled the military as murderers during the Vietnam years. Then came the wars in the Middle East and President Obama.

Democrats, China, the Liberal Media and Deep State Join Forces to Keep Coronavirus Fears Alive In Hopes of a Second Wave

As the coronavirus fizzles in the summer sun, the number of fatalities dwindles in the US. This is common in flu-like viruses like the China coronavirus. But this is not good news for those who oppose America and President Trump. In order to stop it, the Chinese, the Democrats and the Deep State are joining forces to keep the coronavirus alive.

OUTRAGEOUS: Roger Stone Provides EXCLUSIVE Pictures to TGP of the FBI’s Raid at His House with Guns Locked and Loaded as He Opened His Front Door

This was the most disgusting event in US law enforcement history – Roger Stone being ambushed at 6am at his house in Florida by twenty-something FBI agents and CNN for total garbage crimes related to Russia collusion which didn’t exist (and the investigators and prosecutors knew it). This occurred in America to an innocent civilian – Roger Stone. This is Obama’s America!

EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Reaches Out to GP – Is OUTRAGED CNN Given an Award by White House Correspondents’ Association for “Criminal Activity”

Roger Stone and America are totally outraged over a horribly corrupt media organization awarding CNN for leaked coverage of the Roger Stone arrest. The Blaze reported today: CNN is celebrating an award it received over the controversial 2019 filming of the FBI raid and arrest of Roger Stone, one of President Donald Trump’s longtime friends and campaign associates.

President Trump’s Poll Numbers Better than Obama At Same Point in His Presidency Indicating a 2020 Election Win

The Gallup polling company released its recent polling data which shows President Trump at a 49% approval rating. This is higher than Obama at the same time in his Presidency. Gallop released its current data on presidential approval which show that President Trump has an approval rating greater than Obama’s at the same time in their presidencies. This is despite Obama having praise every day from the corrupt media while he destroyed America. On the other hand, President Trump has faced headwinds from a corrupt media, the Obama Administration’s corrupt efforts to tie President Trump to Russia, an unconstitutional impeachment where the Democrats projected their crimes on President Trump, the China coronavirus and now the race riots started by Obama’s ‘Black Lives Matter’ campaign. Despite all this President Trump is outclassing Obama at the same time in his Presidency.

EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone Speaks Out – “Rod Rosenstein Lied to Congress – the Exact Crime Stone Was Falsely Convicted Of”

EXCLUSIVE: Roger Stone releases statement through the Gateway Pundit regarding former DAG Rod Rosenstein’s testimony in front of Congress on Wednesday: Rod Rosenstein Testified under oath before the Senate Judiciary committee that he did NOT authorize the Mueller investigation into Roger Stone when in fact he signed the second scope memo doing exactly that on October 20, 2017 ,three months AFTER Mueller already knew there was no Russian collusion.

After Interviewing Creepy Rod Rosenstein Wednesday Lindsey Graham’s Judiciary Committee Is Exhausted Won’t Vote On Future Testimonies Until Next Thursday

Lindey Graham’s Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing with Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday. After a totally unprepared and uncoordinated session with former DAG Rod Rosenstein, Graham’s committee is exhausted. They decided yesterday to postpone their vote for further testimonies to next Thursday. It was announced on May 14th that the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Senator Lindsey Graham, will hold hearings on Spygate and issues related to unmasking requests made by Obama officials against General Mike Flynn.

President Trump Tweets Rod Rosenstein Regretting Signing the Fraudulent FISA Warrant Application Used to Spy on President Trump and His Administration

President Trump retweeted videos of former DAG Rod Rosenstein in front of the Senate this week and previously in front of the House where Rosenstein discusses not reading but signing the FISA report that enabled the FBI to spy on President Trump 6 months into his term. President Trump retweeted the following tweet from Congressman Matt Gaetz: Thank you Matt!

EXCLUSIVE: Amazon Is Censoring The Gateway Pundit Writer Joe Hoft’s Latest Book “In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics” … UPDATE: Amazon Just Removed Censorship!

For more than a month now will not approve the publishing of my new book “In God We Trust: Not in Lying Liberal Lunatics” on its soft copy platform – -Kindle. Yesterday, former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson got a brief lesson in what conservative authors and publishers face on a regular basis when he tweeted out that had censored and refused to publish his latest book“Unpublished s about COVID-19 and Lockdowns.” After Elon Musk brought widespread attention to yet another example of leftist tech giants stifling free speech, ultimately backed down and made the book available.

Rosenstein Claims When He Emailed Mueller That the “Boss and His Staff Do Not Know About Our Discussions” He Was Referring to Jeff Sessions not President Trump – Anyone Believe That?

Former DOJ DAG Rod Rosenstein was in front of the Senate this morning. During his testimony he was asked about his email to Robert Mueller where he wrote – “The Boss doesn’t know” We reported in October of 2019: Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained 145 pages of former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s communications that reveal a very damning email Rosenstein sent to Robert Mueller.

SORRY AMERICA – Those Catastrophic Mortality Rates Sold to Us by the WHO, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx Were a Huge Scam

Sorry America. We hate to break it to you but you’ve been had. Those horrible projections made about the coronavirus, were wrong – way wrong. We’re not saying that the elderly were not at risk. We never did. If New York, New Jersey, Michigan and other Democrat led states would have protected their elderly in the same manner as Republican-led Florida, then you would never had seen the death tolls in those states that you did. By forcing coronavirus infected individuals into the elderly homes, the leaders of states like New York murdered the elderly in those institutions.

From Past History: It’s Highly Likely the Groups Behind Today’s Riots are Domestic Terrorists, Revolutionary Communists, US Based Radical Islamist Orgs and Others Related to the Democrat Party

Recent riots in the US instigated throughout so many Democrat-led cities around the country are hardly spontaneous. They appear coordinated. It is highly likely that these riots are related to the same individuals involved in similar activities over the past year or years. These people are likely related to US based Islamist Organizations, domestic terrorists and others related to the Democrat Party.