Bring "Voices of Iraq" to the Midwest
Please take the time to sign the petition here to get “Voices of Iraq” to show in a theatre in St.
Please take the time to sign the petition here to get “Voices of Iraq” to show in a theatre in St.
Reading this article I could feel the utter frustration of talking to a brain-washed liberal.
There’s an old saying that “dead people vote democrat over republican 10 to 1” and there is more proof of this in the King County results.
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or Bust!
This is the most complete article comparing our robust current economic growth to historical and international standards.
This was posted this week at Iraq the Model: MOSUL, Iraq – If the Army had an adopt-a-child program, Logan would be the poster child.
It’s Totally Awesome, Dude!
Representative Jim Clyburn of South Carolina delivered the Democrats’ weekly radio address stating, “President Bush and this new Congress must resolve to adequately equip our fighting men and women.
The UN is taking credit for things that hard-working, street savvy USAID folks have done.
Looks like the democrats “may” get caught in their Washington vote manipulation: …there were 3,539 more ballots counted in King County than voters who cast them.
In 2004, Iraq went badly wrong – except for supporters of the insurgency, in which case it went grimly well.
At January 3 Rally, Civic Groups Will Urge U.S.
Keeping the Faith (this article was posted on Blogs for Bush from News) The election is long over.
Victor Davis Hanson shows his holiday spirit in gifting the democrats with free advice.
Explosive and unpredictable Clare Short, infamous British leftist and former member of Tony Blair’s cabinet, has lashed out at the US for setting up a rival coalition to coordinate relief following the Asian tsunami disaster.
The US bypasses the scandal-plagued UN and goes “Round the Horn” of Africa to assist those suffering from the tsunami disaster.
Pat Tillman He may not get “Sportsman of The Year” from Sports Illustrated but he defined the greatness of this country and of humanity with his selfless sacrifice.
Swift Boat Veterans Receive Their Hero’s Welcome John O’Neill and the Swift Boat Veterans for are finally receiving the recognition they have always deserved.
He used to be America’s top law enforcement official.
Here’s a new leftist group that I had never heard of until today.
Hold on to your Kinara!
Election officials finished the presidential recount in Ohio on Tuesday, with the final tally shaving about 300 votes off President Bush’s six-figure margin of victory in the state that gave him a second term.
Susan Sontag did not practice the art of restrained discourse.
Leads generated through a hotline to report insurgent activity in Iraq demonstrate that the Iraqi people want to bring an end to the violence against innocent civilians and critical infrastructure… …The tips hotline received more than 400 calls during the past few months.
From Human Evets Online: Religious programming on the radio and television will come under attack.
Jacques Chirac is bent on policies that are antithetical to U.S.
A sad state of affairs… Fantasia Barrino, winner of the recent “American Idol” contest and a single-parent mom, dropped out of school in ninth grade, got pregnant and gave birth at age 17.
All right, so this movie was more of a love story than anything but it gets the point across.
Support for the war in Iraq remains very high among the active-duty military, according to a Military Times Poll.
Let the Indoctrination Begin A group of Connecticut second graders was bused to New York last week for a well-publicized protest to save the rainforest.
In honor of the late terrorist, Palestinians have launched “The Arafat” a missile designed with a range of 11 miles and a 33-pound warhead.
Yushchenko Certain Victor in Ukraine Election West-leaning opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko looked certain Monday to become Ukraine’s next president, bringing with him a promise to end rampant graft and to reform the ex-Soviet state’s damaged economy.
AP and Terrorists Accusations of complicity with terrorists in Iraq were made recently by Belmont Club and others.
Newt Gingrich gives the Secretary of Defense what he deserves.
David Horowitz, who grew up attending communist marches in New York City and is now a leading conservative thinker, writes about the “McGovern Slide” of the democratic party.
Expect CNN to further their deficit to FOX News in the year ahead.
The first Joseph Goebbels Award Winner was announced recently by Townhall News.
More reflections on the 21st Century persecution of Christians from this article in Front Page Magazine.
Conservative students are finally standing up to the liberal teaching establishment.
Well the Wahington gubernatorial race is wrapping up.
It is Christmas Day.
…And, They will call Him Immanuel, Which Means “God with Us“
The United States and Allies look to bring Iraq a Christmas present as big as the sky!
I have read numerous accounts this year that go something like: …this year, with the Christian right taking credit for Bush’s re-election, traditionalists are fighting harder than ever against what they see as a political effort to take the Christ out of Christmas… What is wrong with this statement is that it doesn’t matter if Bush would have won or not with 90+% of America celebrating Christmas and 70+% of America defining itself as Christian, Americans are upset and fed up with a very small minority taking away our freedom of speech and freedom of religion.
If you have a couple of minutes it is worth the time to read W.
We’ve all heard the endless drone of stereotypes and insults before: George W.
Here’s the Real Action Hero Has the world ever seen anyone like Ann Coulter?
Hussein’s legal eagles, which “Scotland on Sunday” describes as a “20-strong international legal team based in Jordan [with a] back-up from some 1,500 volunteer lawyers, mostly from Arab countries.” So just who exactly would volunteer to defend one of the most repulsive characters to walk the pages of recent history?
FrontPage magazine reports some news from the traditional Democratic stroghold of Shelby County Kentucky: Three elected officials in the traditional Democratic stronghold of Shelby County defected yesterday to the Republican Party, the same day the local Democratic chairman resigned.
TonyBlair made the trip to Baghdad today.
Once again, the MSM is spinning “American Atrocities” in the news today about Fallujah.
Have you heard the demands this past week for Donald Rumsfeld’s head on a platter?
Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri, who is in a British jail on incitement to murder charges, is to sue welfare officials for thousands of pounds in extra state benefits.
Or maybe this should be called “Watersgate” Rep.
More Late Night Humor NBC’s comedy depiction of talkradio king Rush Limbaugh passed-out in vomit from drug abuse ignited backstage outrage at SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE.
…Actor Tim Robbins has called for the impeachment of President George W.
The newest member of the international democratic leaders club, Afghanistan’s President Hamid Karzai, recently had some words of encouragement and advice for the Iraqi people on their hard road to a better future: “They must go to polls.
At Right Wing News they have put together their 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2004 Awards.
After the Democratic Disaster of ’04 the democrats (with Newsweek taking the lead among the elites) are starting their campaign for the next savior of the party.