Off Target
Hugh Hewitt notes that Target is suffering from its decision to exclude the “Red Pots” this year.
Hugh Hewitt notes that Target is suffering from its decision to exclude the “Red Pots” this year.
Time Magazine Names Bush “Man of the Year” After winning re-election and “reshaping the rules of politics to fit his 10-gallon-hat leadership style,” President George Bush for the second time was chosen as Time magazine’s Person of the Year.
The Saddam Regime Trials will begin with Saddam’s cousin Chemical Ali.
…Pakistan on Friday asked the international community to adopt a direct approach towards addressing the root cause of terrorism… …The strategy must include “promotion of social and political rights, the rule of law and democratic reforms, ending occupation and addressing major political grievances, reducing poverty and unemployment”… Uh, maybe they need to take a closer loook at the Bush Doctrine…just a thought.
Iraqi police said they detained 45 men who illegally entered from neighboring Iran.
President Bush says that he is open to good ideas on addressing the Social Security crisis from Democrats or Republicans.
Leftist New York based Humans Rights Watch takes the predictable position of concern over Saddam’s upcoming trial: …But for justice to be done, the trials must also be fair.
Well, what do you know?
The governor’s race in Washington State gets tighter and tighter with each recount that the Democrats demand: Our Democrats act as if the only acceptable outcome of a vote is a Democratic victory – if a Republican wins, it is automatically illegitimate; and if you’re close, then manufacture votes until you get the “correct” outcome.
This study came out this week showing “television’s depictions of religion are “overwhelmingly” negative, despite 90 percent of the American public professing a belief in God.”
I came across two different articles today regarding treasonous activities.
Victor Davis Hanson has another exceptional contribution to National Review this week.
This Christmas Season there is at least one German Blog that is supporting our efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq.
It appears that the the Iraqi s from Iraq the Model are under attack because they are so pro-American.
Top Underreported/Buried Stories for 2004 1.
Riding Swiftboats Shooting Spitballs!
Hugh Hewitt leaves little doubt about his take on the power of the blogosphere: Newsweek managing editor Jon Meacham, didn’t even try very hard to conceal his bias, becoming to religion reporting what Dan Rather has become to political reporting.
“The generation-long political retreat of Democrats across the South is disintegrating into a rout.”
The Battle of the Bulge which lasted from December 16, 1944 to January 28, 1945 was the largest land battle of World War II in which the United States participated.
Politician who won’t stand and say the Pledge Of Allegiance may be recalled in Estes Park, Colorado .
The next chapter of the Kofi Annan saga will focus on whether there was any real substance to the job for which the secretary-general’s son, Kojo Annan, received lucrative payments during a period of years in which he was ostensibly working in West Africa… …The documents show that far from being a provincial Peace Corps type working in Africa, as the secretary-general’s office has implied, the younger Annan led a highly cosmopolitan life, dividing his time between Lagos, London, Geneva, and New York.
The New England Journal of Medicine puts Operation Iraqi Freedom into perspective: It’s true.
There’s more attacks on Christians this year by the “God-Fearing” left in this country.
From the Iraqi Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper (courtesy of FrontPage): Since the fall of Saddam we have seen a surge in political activities and involvement of Iraqi women in the political arena.
Sorry I had to lead with that headline, but it sounded too good… Anyway, here is more about the No-No by Kojo .
In Gallup’s latest poll this month, those identifying themselves as Republicans jumped to 37% of the public, with Democrats now clearly trailing with 32%.
The Cuban military has divided the island of 11 million people into 1,400 “defense zones” intended to be able to operate independently in case of war.
This post is dedicated to Roberto Mendoza and all of our United States Reservists.
I didn’t really want to talk much about the “new” Mark Rich scandal but since there has been so much in the news this last week, I thought I’d throw some things out there… It appears that Mark Rich has been caught up in some suspicious activity tied to the Oil for Food scandal.
That’s for heavy “S”arca”s”m.
It was one year ago today that our troops pulled Saddam from his underground palace.
Hugh Hewitt has an excellent book titiled “If it’s Not Close, They Can’t Cheat”.
Oh Cal Thomas, how I love the way you do not beat around the bush!
This kind of blows that whole “Bush is the Devil because he is such a devout Christian” theme that the left keeps throwing out there… Jimmy Carter taught Sunday school while he was president.
Viktor Yushchenko said he was happy to be alive after being taken ill in September during an election campaign.
Convicted killer Barghouti pulls out of Palestinian Presidential Race.
(Coutesy of LGF)- Here is an Islamic website celebrating the passing of 1,000 US soldiers.
Wonder why the Europeans are not so hip on the US?
…At what point does irresponsible and sensationalist reporting become dangerous, or even acts of betrayal?
From the Zimbabwe Herald: The so-called Obesity Tourism Strategy was reported last week in ‘The Herald’, a government organ whose contents are approved by President Robert Mugabe’s powerful information minister, Jonathan Moyo.
Here is another great shot dedicated to the men and women serving aboard the USS Harry S.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan opened the first U.N.
One man corrupts a whole society for generations… The notion of a jailed, mass-murdering terrorist running for president is ludicrous.
Why You Lost This article from National Review describes precisely why liberals continue to lose ground… Peter Beinart wrote a much-discussed cover story for The New Republic arguing that the Democratic party needs to become a “fighting party” that takes Islamic totalitarianism seriously… …Beinart says that today’s Democratic party is plagued by Softs: The Next Generation.
A great article by Charles Krauthammer on the air waves today: …What has happened in Afghanistan is nothing short of a miracle.
From USA Today about the recent comments from Sen.
This article from the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Pages is an excellent example of the power of blogging.
For that hard to please terrorist on your list Still looking for that special gift for that hard to please terrorist on your Christmas gift list?
If the Republicans are smart, they will continually remind Americans of the secularist liberals who are consistently rewriting our history and removing the symbols of religion from our society.
“We bought it.
For months before the election Zogby had predicted a Kerry win.
This was written by Charlie Daniels after playing three shows for the soldiers at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Naval Air Station Base.
…The media describe Laszlo Kovacs as a “socialist.” In fact, he is a career communist with decades of totalitarian experience.
Howard Dean, with an eye on leading the Democratic Party in the wake of widespread election losses, said Wednesday that Democrats must campaign on their convictions and not give into the temptation to behave like Republicans….
Bagdad Bob Supports the Iraqi Pro-Democracy Party…Not!
Now a Proud Member of Blogs for Bush Look for regular postings and links from other Blogs for Bush members.
Muslims are feeling blamed and there is a general animosity towards Muslims in Europe since 9-11.
Before and After the Poisoning This man gets my vote!
Tell me how a person can feel good about this sale?